| 08.30-08.55 |
Registration |
| 08.55-09.00 |
Welcome |
| 09.00-10.30 |
Tutorial 1 Chair: Georg Struth |
| 09.00 |
Peter Jipsen |
| |
Foundations of relations and Kleene algebra |
| 10.30-11.00 |
Coffee |
| 11.00-12.30 |
Tutorial 2 Chair: Georg Struth |
| 11.00 |
John Derrick |
| |
Refinement in state-based specification languages |
| 12.30-13.30 |
Lunch |
| 13.30-15.30 |
Student Session 1 Chair: David Robinson |
| 13.30 |
Peter Höfner |
| |
f-generated Kleene algebra |
| 13.50 |
Benoît Razet |
| |
Relational Kleene algebras and their compilation to modular applicative transducers |
| 14.10 |
Kim Solin |
| |
Some notes on duality in refinement algebra |
| 14.30 |
Britta Kehden |
| |
Combining relational methods and evolutionary algorithms |
| 14.50 |
Joel Glanfield |
| |
RelAPS: A proof system for relational categories |
| 15.30-16.00 |
Coffee |
| 16.00-18.00 |
Student Session 2
| 16.00 |
Stephanie Balzer |
| |
Relations for specifying the invariant behaviour of object collaborations |
| 16.20 |
Leonardo Freitas |
| |
Model checking support for Circus |
| 16.40 |
Andrew Hughes |
| |
Nomadic time |
| 17.00 |
Jos'e Juan Palacios P'erez |
| |
A topological analysis of event structures |
| 17.20 |
David Robinson |
| |
Resolution-based natural deduction for modal logics |
| 19.00 |
RelMiCS/AKA Welcome Reception |
| |
Fossil Gallery, Manchester Museum |