Uses of Class

Packages that use RainbowException

Entry points, RMI service classes and application-level wrappers. Core and general utility classes. Data model for Rainbow simulation. Deadlock and temporal model checking. This package provides classes that support abstract interpretation of GCL derived from RAPA. This package provides common datatypes for RAPA and GCL. Rainbow simulation system.

RASM instructions. Temporary classes. Classes implementing a model-checker. 

Uses of RainbowException in Rainbow

Methods in Rainbow that throw RainbowException
 void Session.clear()
          Initialise this session object.
 void Session.assemble(String rasmtext)
          Assemble the RASM source into a module and add it to the list of things to execute.
 void Session.compile(String rainbowSource)
          Compile the Rainbow source into a module and add it to the list of things to execute.
 Type Session.resolveType(String type)
          Resolve the string to a type against the list of modules to execute.
          Link the list of modules to execute.
 Status Session.initialise()
          Initialise the simulator.
 Status Session.step()
          Perform one simulation step.
 Data key)
          Read the register indexed by the given key.
 DeadlockResult Session.deadlock(ProgressWatcher watcher)
          Check the current modules for deadlock.
 ModelcheckResult Session.modelcheck(String ctlStarFormula, String[] propositions, String[] deviceMap, ProgressWatcher watcher)
          Check the current modules to see if the given temporal formula is satisfied.
 void Session.compileAbstract(String rainbowSource, String abstraction)
          Compile the Rainbow source into GCL and apply an abstract interpretation to its dataspace.
 Status Session.stepAbstract()
          Perform one step of an abstract simulation.
 DeadlockResult Session.deadlockAbstract(ProgressWatcher watcher)
          Check the abstract system for deadlock.
 ModelcheckResult Session.modelcheckAbstract(String LTLFormula, String[] propositions, ProgressWatcher watcher)
          Check the abstract system to see if it satisfies a temporal formula.
 Session SimServer.getSession()
 AuthorizedSession SimServer.getSession(String username, String password)
protected  void SessionHandler.addCodeThreads(Scheduler s, String msgbit)
          Add all current code blocks to the given scheduler.
 void SessionHandler.clear()
 void SessionHandler.assemble(String rasmtext)
 void SessionHandler.compile(String rainbowSource)
 Type SessionHandler.resolveType(String type)
 Status SessionHandler.initialise()
 Status SessionHandler.step()
 Data key)
 DeadlockResult SessionHandler.deadlock(ProgressWatcher watcher)
 ModelcheckResult SessionHandler.modelcheck(String ctlStarFormula, String[] propositions, String[] deviceMap, ProgressWatcher watcher)
 void SessionHandler.compileAbstract(String rainbowSource, String abstraction)
 Status SessionHandler.stepAbstract()
 DeadlockResult SessionHandler.deadlockAbstract(ProgressWatcher watcher)
 ModelcheckResult SessionHandler.modelcheckAbstract(String ltlFormula, String[] propositions, ProgressWatcher watcher)
 void AuthorizedSessionHandler.load(String filename)
 void AuthorizedSessionHandler.dump()
 void AuthorizedSession.load(String filename)
          Assemble the RASM source in the given file on the server into a module and add it to the list of things to execute.
 void AuthorizedSession.dump()
          Write a human-readable version of the RASM for the most recently compiled/assembled module to System.out.
 Session Server.getSession()
          Get a new session object.
 AuthorizedSession Server.getSession(String username, String password)
          Get a new session object that is authorized to perform insecure operations.

Uses of RainbowException in

Subclasses of RainbowException in
static class Compiler.Errors
          When there are compiler errors, this class is thrown.
static class Compiler.Exception
          Exceptions generated by the compilation stage itself.
 class TclFormatException
          Signals that an error occurred when trying to convert to or from a Tcl-formatted string.

Methods in that throw RainbowException
static Hashtable Utils.makeHash(String[] strings)
          Convert an array of strings into a hashtable.
static Hashtable Utils.makeHashInt(String[] strings)
          Convert an array of strings into a hashtable.
static Compiler Compiler.getInstance()
          Manufacture a standard compiler.
abstract  String Compiler.rainbow2rif(String rainbow)
          Convert Rainbow text to RIF text.
abstract  String Compiler.rif2rasm(String rif)
          Convert RIF text to RASM text.
 RASMCode Compiler.rasm2code(String rasm, Hashtable context)
          Assemble RASM text into a code block.
 RASMCode Compiler.rainbow2code(String rainbow, Hashtable context)
          Compile and assemble Rainbow text into a block of code.
 ProcessTerm Compiler.rainbow2rapa(String rainbow)
          Compile Rainbow text into a RAPA process term.
 RASMCode Compiler.rif2code(String rif, Hashtable context)
          Compile and assemble RIF text into a block of code.
 String Compiler.rainbow2rasm(String rainbow)
          Compile Rainbow text into RASM text.

Uses of RainbowException in

Methods in that throw RainbowException
static Compiler RainbowToRASM.getInstance()
static void RainbowToRASM.main(String[] args)
 ProcessTerm RainbowToRASM.rainbow2rapa(String rainbow)

Uses of RainbowException in

Subclasses of RainbowException in
 class TypeException
          Exceptions caused by type problems

Uses of RainbowException in

Subclasses of RainbowException in
 class ParseException
          This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
static class StateEngine.AlreadyInitialisedException

Methods in that throw RainbowException
protected  Data[] StateEngine.advanceEpsilons()
          Advance the system over epsilon steps.
 StateEngine.ExecuteResult StateEngine.execute(boolean resetCounter)
          Try to execute a non-empty transition to a new state.
 StateEngine.ExecuteResult StateEngine.execute()
          Try to execute a non-empty transition to a new state.
 void StateEngine.pop()
          Pop a state from the stack.
 boolean StateEngine.backtrack()
          Make the system backtrack.
 boolean StateEngine.backtrack(boolean stateValue)
          Make the system backtrack.
 void StateEngine.stepPastEnd()
          Generate extra state to demonstrate unwanted loop.
 void StateEngine.EntryStack.advancePastEnd()
          Restore the trace to the failure point.
 void StateEngine.EntryStackEager.advancePastEnd()
 void StateEngine.EntryStackLazy.advancePastEnd()
 boolean ModelCheck.checkModel()
          Check the state engine against the temporal formula.
 StateEngine.Execed ModelCheck.Engine.execute(boolean reset, int op, int quant, int gb, boolean ctl, int bad, int good, boolean dfs)
 int DeadlockChecker.step()
          Perform a single deadlock step.
 int DeadlockChecker.step(int count)
          Perform several steps.
 StateEngine.ChannelEvent[][] DeadlockChecker.canDeadlock(int steps)
          Search the entire state space for deadlock.
 StateEngine.ChannelEvent[][] DeadlockChecker.canDeadlock()
          Search the entire state space for deadlock.
 int PODeadlockChecker.step()
          Perform a single deadlock step.
 boolean Propositions.evaluate(int idx)
          Evaluate the idxth proposition.
 int Propositions.evaluate()
          Evaluate the list of propositions.

Constructors in that throw RainbowException
StateEngine(StateEnumerator enumerator)
          Create a new state enumeration engine with no automata attached.
StateEngine(StateEnumerator enumerator, AutomataState automata)
          Create a new state enumeration engine attached to control automata.
StateEngine(StateEnumerator enumerator, AutomataState automata, int popStyle)
          Create a new state enumeration engine attached to control automata.
ModelCheck(StateEnumerator enumerator, String formula)
          Create a system that can check a system against a CTL* formula.
DeadlockChecker(StateEnumerator enumerator)
          Create a new deadlock-checker.
PODeadlockChecker(StateEnumerator enum)
          Create a new deadlock-checker.
Propositions(String[] propositions, String[] lookup, Scheduler sched)
          Create a new proposition evaluation engine.

Uses of RainbowException in

Subclasses of RainbowException in
static class NAry.LengthMismatchException

Uses of RainbowException in

Subclasses of RainbowException in
 class NotUnifiable
          Indicates where two values are not unifiable with each other for some reason.

Uses of RainbowException in

Subclasses of RainbowException in
static class RainbowThread.IllegalChannelStateException
          Indicate an attempt to do something naughty with a channel.
static class RainbowThread.IllegalThreadTerminationException
          Indicate an attempt to do exit a top-level thread.
static class RASMCode.Exception
          Exceptions thrown due to bad assembly code.
static class RASMThread.Exception
          Exceptions due to problems during the execution of a thread.
static class RASMThread.InvokationException
          Thrown when an exception occurs in some externally referenced code.
static class RASMThread.PopFailureException
          Thrown to indicate a problem during a pop operation.
static class Simulator.DeadlockedException

Methods in that throw RainbowException
abstract  void Scheduler.initialise()
          Initialise the scheduler and scheduled system.
 Data Scheduler.readKeyedRegister(int key)
          Request the contents of the register indexed by the given key.
 Data Scheduler.readKeyedRegister(Integer key)
          Request the contents of the register indexed by the given key.
 void Simulator.initialise()
          Initialise the simulation.
 void Simulator.execute()
          Execute a full simulation step.
 void RainbowThread.execute(int direction)
          Make this thread execute in the specified direction.
protected abstract  void RainbowThread.execute()
          Make this thread execute in the current direction.
 void RainbowThread.exitSelf()
          Make the current thread terminate.
 Data RASMThread.execExtern(String externString)
          Pass a string to the client for external execution.
protected  void RASMThread.execute()
          Execute this thread according to where it is in its block of code.
protected abstract  boolean Instruction.execute(RASMThread t)
          Make this instruction execute in the given context.
protected  boolean RASM.Comparison.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Leq.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Lt.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Geq.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Gt.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Pop.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Exch.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Dup.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Roll.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Index.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.KillStackRange.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.GetType.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.SetType.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Parallel.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Exit.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.MakeList.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Split.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Length.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Project.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Insert.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.BuildList.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.MakeUnion.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.OpenUnion.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Error.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.TclExec.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.Concat.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.NDChoice.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean RASM.NDValue.execute(RASMThread thread)
 void StateEnumerator.restoreState(SavedState saved)
          Reload a saved state.
 void StateEnumerator.initialise()
          Initialise the scheduler.
 boolean StateEnumerator.executeTransition(int transitionIndex)
          Execute a transition.

Constructors in that throw RainbowException
StateEnumerator(File rainbowSourceFile)
          Create a new state enumerator with the compiled version of the given file installed.

Uses of RainbowException in

Methods in that throw RainbowException
protected  boolean Error.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean SetType.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean Exit.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean TclExec.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean BuildList.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean MakeList.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean MakeUnion.execute(RASMThread thread)
protected  boolean Insert.execute(RASMThread thread)

Uses of RainbowException in

Subclasses of RainbowException in
protected static class JSCompiler.JSSemanticErrors
          Specialised error parsing and generating subclass.

Methods in that throw RainbowException
 String JSCompiler.rainbow2rif(String rainbow)
          Convert Rainbow text to RIF text.
 String JSCompiler.rif2rasm(String rif)
          Convert RIF text into RASM text.

Uses of RainbowException in

Subclasses of RainbowException in
static class StateEngine.CannotBacktrack
          Thrown to indicate that a backtrack is impossible.
 class WVMCException

Methods in that throw RainbowException
 Formula TemporalModel.check()
          Check whether the model and this formula-derived automaton correspond.
 boolean RemoteModelChecker.checkModel(String formula, int language, StateEngine.Engine stateEngine)
          Check the given temporal model against the given state space.
 StateEngine.Execed StateEngine.Engine.execute(boolean reset, int op, int quant, int gb, boolean ctl, int bad, int good, boolean dfs)
          Try to perform a transition.
 boolean Checker.check(StateEngine.Engine engine)
          Check the temporal model against a state generator.
 boolean RMIServer.checkModel(String formula, int language, StateEngine.Engine stateEngine)
          Check the given temporal model against the given state space.