
RASM instructions.


Class Summary
Abs Absolute value (negation if less than zero).
Add Addition.
And Bitwise/logical and.
BranchFalse Jumps to the given location (addr) if the value boolean is false.
BranchTrue Jumps to the given location (addr) if the value boolean is true.
BuildList Make a list of length n where each element of the list is a copy of value.
Call Call a function or procedure.
Comment Comment.
Concat String concatenation.
Connect Connect two channels together.
DeclareDeviceWithState Associate a register with an integer value.
Delay Delay the executing thread for dt time units.
Div Division.
Dup Duplicate the top stack element.
Eql Equality.
Error Signal a runtime error.
Exch Exchange the top two stack elements.
Exit Terminate the executing thread.
Geq Greater than or equal to.
Get Peek a value from a channel.
GetArg Push a copy of the i'th value (based at 0) of the stack frame onto the top of the stack.
GetType Get the type of value.
Gt Greater than.
Index Duplicate the j'th element on the stack at the top of the stack.
Insert Assign to a list value.
IsAvailable Test channel for availability.
Jump Jump to the location given by the label popped off the stack.
KillStackRange Delete all the values from the current stack frame apart from the m bottom-most items and the n top-most items.
LabelChannel Label a channel according to an external specification.
LabelDevice Label a thread according to an external specification.
Length Get the length of the list.
Leq Less than or equal to.
Line Line identification directive.
Load Read from register.
Lt Less than.
MakeChannel Create a new communications channel.
MakeList Make a list.
MakeRegister Create a new register.
MakeUnion For making unions.
Mod Remainder.
Mult Multiplication.
NDChoice Non-deterministic jump.
NDValue Non-deterministic random number generator.
Neg Negation.
Neq Inverted equality.
Noop No operation.
Not Bitwise/logical inversion.
OpenUnion For unmaking unions (the reverse of makeUnion).
Or Bitwise/logical (inclusive) or.
Parallel Execute in parallel.
Pop Remove one item from the top of the stack.
PopAll Clears the current stack frame.
Project Get the index'th item of list.
Push Pushes the argument onto the stack.
Put Poke a value to a channel.
PutArg Reverse of getArg which assigns value to the i'th position in the stack frame.
PutForward First half of a channel write.
Read A complete read from a channel.
Release Sends an acknowledgement on an input channel, chanId.
Return Return from function or procedure.
Roll Roll the stack contents like the PostScript roll operator.
SetType Type casting.
Shl Shift left without check for overflow.
Shr Shift right with sign extension and no check for underflow.
Shrz Shift right with zero extension and no check for underflow.
SignalForward Sends a request on an output channel, chanId.
Sleep Cause the thread to become descheduled until something happens.
Split Split a list up into its elements and length.
StatelessDevice Mark thread as stateless.
StaticStackBase Mark stack contents as static.
Store Write to register.
Sub Subtraction.
TclExec Execute an external command.
WaitFor Wait for channel to become readable.
WaitGet Wait for channel to become readable, and then read it.
WaitRelease Waits for an output channel, chanId, to be released.
Write A complete write to a channel.
Xor Bitwise/logical exclusive or.

Package Description

RASM instructions. Used to control the behaviour of Rainbow threads (indeed, currently the only implementation of Rainbow threads is based on RASM.)

RASM (which is short for Rainbow ASseMler) is based on a threaded, simple stack model of computation. Each thread contains a stack of objects, most of which are immutable values, but which can also consist of types (which are first-class values in RASM, though there aren't all that many operations that you can perform on them), channel referencess (which are the only approved way of communicating between threads) and register references (which are used to provide state that is monitorable by the outside world, like variables in Yellow.)

All RASM instructions are defined in terms of the transformation they perform to their executing thread's stack. Thus, the instruction Exch whose stack transformation is:

x y y x

can be seen as popping the two top elements off the stack and pushing them back on in reverse order. (The rest of the stack is unmodified.)

Some RASM instructions perform their actions relative to the bottom of the current stack frame (no instructions can access anywhere on the stack outside the current stack frame except for Call and Return whose purpose is, in part, to create and destroy stack frames), and the special symbol is used to indicate this. An example is the instruction GetArg which is mainly used to retrieve parameters passed by the current stack frame's caller or local values placed at the bottom of the stack frame below the working area.

Some instructions are actually implemented as macros in terms of others. This only matters in practise if you are looking at the assembler output from a code block; from a programming and code generation point-of-view (i.e. so long as you are using the mandated interface based on RASMCode and RASMList) there is no difference between an instruction that is implemented directly and an instruction that is implemented as a macro. It just makes it far easier to enforce consistency and correctness of implementation...

Rainbow Server v1.0b4
See Also:
RASMThread, Rainbow Implementors Guide