Package Rainbow

Entry points, RMI service classes and application-level wrappers.


Interface Summary
AuthorizedSession A session (over RMI) with a Rainbow server which can carry out "dangerous" operations.
ExecHandler Back-execution callback.
ProgressWatcher Model- and deadlock-checking progress observation callback.
Server The Rainbow server as viewed from RMI.
Session A session (over RMI) with a Rainbow server.

Class Summary
AuthorizedSessionHandler Implementation of an authorized Rainbow server session.
ChannelEvent An event on a channel.
DeadlockResult Used to report results of deadlock checking.
ModelcheckResult Used to report results of model checking.
ModelcheckResult.AutomataState An automata state on the path to a failed model-check.

Proposition parser testbed for device-free propositions.

SessionHandler Implementation of a Rainbow server session.

Rainbow server class.


Extremely simple testbed for RASM assembly and execution.

Status Used to report what happened in a simulation step.

Package Rainbow Description

Entry points, RMI service classes and application-level wrappers.

Please note that this whole package is really just temporary. It exists primarily to collect together a number of classes that handle the transfer of data between the main system classes (in* and below) and the client written in Tcl. I suppose this all ought to be moved somewhere else more appropriate (like maybe?) but I've not got round to it yet.