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Get genes (of a given genome) with a given Gene Ontology annotation.


Retrieves all the genes (of a given genome) which have been annotated with the given Gene Ontology Term. A list of all available GO terms can be obtained using the "Existing values..." feature. Please note that GO annotation is only available for S. cerevisiae, S. pombe and C. albicans. If no genome is provided, all genes with the given functional annotation are retrieved. This can increase the response time of the query considerably, please be patient.


Takes less than 1 minute to retrieve all proteins of a given genome with the given GO annotation. Retrieving all proteins with a given annotation can take up to 5 minutes depending on the number of proteins to retrieve (if no genome is specified).


Genome Name of the genome of interest. A genome can also be chosen from a list of available genomes using the "Existing values..." feature. If no genome is provided, all genes with the given Gene Ontology annotation are retrieved.
Gene Ontology Term Identifier or name of the GO term of interest. To retrieve a list of available Gene Ontology terms, the "Existing values..." feature can be used.
Genome Gene Ontology Term
Schizosaccharomyces pombe ethanol metabolism
Saccharomyces cerevisiae enzyme inhibitor activity
Candida albicans entry into host


Returns information on the genes with the given functional annotation along with the MCL and OrthoMCL clusters their associated proteins have been placed into.
Gene ID Identifier of the gene.
Symbol Symbol of the gene.
Genome Genome the protein belongs to.
GO ID Identifier of the Gene Ontology term.
GO term Name of the Gene Ontology term.
Ontology type Ontology category of the annotation, i.e., Molecular Function, Biological Process or Cellular Component.
Evidence code GO Evidence codes to indicate how the annotation has been obtained.
MCL Cluster ID Identifier of the MCL cluster the protein has been placed in, if any.
OrthoMCL Cluster ID Identifier of the OrthoMCL cluster the protein has been placed in, if any.

e-Fungi has been funded by the BBSRC Bioinformatics and E-science Programme II