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Browse provides an entry point to the database. It presents a list of genomes currently in the database with information about their taxonomy, pathogenicity and growth form. Furthermore, the number of chromosomes and contigs for each genome are listed, as well as the number of MCL clusters the proteins of each genome have been placed into, as shown in the following screenshot:



Following links

For each genome, its chromosomes and/or its contigs can be retrieved from the database by following the links "Chromsomes" or "Contigs".

To retrieve all clusters the proteins of a particular genome are in, the link "Mcl Cluster analysis - get clusters with proteins of a given genome" can be followed to execute the query for a chosen genome. For more details on the query and its output, please see Mcl Cluster analysis - get clusters with proteins of a given genome.

To go back click on the history button. Do not use your internet browsers "back" button.
