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Get the number of genomes in OrthoMCL clusters that contain proteins of a given genome and proteins of only non-essential yeast genes.


For a given genome the OrthoMCL clusters containing proteins of that genome and proteins of non-essential yeast genes only are analysed in terms of the number of genomes present.


Can take about 1 minute to complete.


Genome Name of the genome of interest; to retrieve a list of genomes from the database, the button "Existing Values..." can be used.
Aspergillus fumigatus
Botrytis cinerea
Kluyveromyces waltii


For each number n of genomes in a cluster with n = 1,..,27 the number of cluster with that number of genomes are calculated as well as the relative frequency.
Genome Genome that has been provided as input
# Clusters Number of clusters with proteins of the input genome
# Genomes per cluster Number n of genomes per cluster, with n = 1,..,27
# Clusters with # genomes Number of clusters with n genomes
Relative frequency Relative frequency of clusters with n genomes

e-Fungi has been funded by the BBSRC Bioinformatics and E-science Programme II