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Get the number of genomes in OrthoMCL clusters that contain proteins of a given genome and proteins of essential yeast genes.


For a given genome the OrthoMCL clusters containing proteins of that genome and and proteins of essential yeast genes are analysed in terms of the number of genomes present. The clusters can also contain proteins of non-essential yeast genes.


Can take about 1 minute to complete.


Genome Name of the genome of interest; to retrieve a list of genomes from the database, the button "Existing Values..." can be used.
Ustilago maydis
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Aspergillus terreus


For each number n of genomes in a cluster with n = 1,..,27 the number of cluster with that number of genomes are calculated as well as the relative frequency.
Genome genome that has been provided as input
# Clusters Number of clusters with proteins of the input genome
# Genomes per cluster Number n of genomes per cluster, with n = 1,..,27
# Clusters with # genomes Number of clusters with n genomes
Relative frequency Relative frequency of clusters with n genomes

e-Fungi has been funded by the BBSRC Bioinformatics and E-science Programme II