Uses of Class

Packages that use LineageSQLQuery

Uses of LineageSQLQuery in net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice

Methods in net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice that return LineageSQLQuery
 LineageSQLQuery ProvenanceQuery.generateSQL(java.lang.String wfInstance, java.lang.String proc, java.lang.String effectivePath, boolean returnOutputs)
          if effectivePath is not null: query varBinding using: wfInstanceRef = wfInstance, iteration = effectivePath, PNameRef = proc if input vars is null, then use the output var this returns the bindings for the set of input vars at the correct iteration if effectivePath is null: fetch VarBindings for all input vars, without constraint on the iteration
added outer join with Data
additionally, try querying the collection table first -- if the query succeeds, it means the path is pointing to an internal node in the collection, and we just got the right node.
protected  LineageSQLQuery ProvenanceQuery.generateSQL2(java.lang.String wfInstance, java.lang.String proc, java.lang.String var, java.lang.String path, boolean returnInput)
 LineageSQLQuery ProvenanceQuery.simpleLineageQuery(java.lang.String wfInstance, java.lang.String wfNameRef, java.lang.String pname, java.lang.String vname, java.lang.String iteration)
          simplest possible pinpoint query.

Methods in net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice that return types with arguments of type LineageSQLQuery
 java.util.List<LineageSQLQuery> ProvenanceQuery.lineageQueryGen(java.lang.String wfInstanceID, java.lang.String proc, java.util.Map<Var,java.lang.String> var2Path, Var outputVar, java.lang.String path, boolean returnOutputs)
          if var2Path is null this generates a trivial query for the current output var and current path
 java.util.List<LineageSQLQuery> ProvenanceAnalysis.searchDataflowGraph(java.lang.String wfID, java.lang.String wfNameRef, java.lang.String var, java.lang.String proc, java.lang.String path, java.util.List<ProvenanceProcessor> selectedProcessors)
          compute lineage queries using path projections

Methods in net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice with parameters of type LineageSQLQuery
 Dependencies ProvenanceQuery.runCollectionQuery(LineageSQLQuery lq)
 Dependencies ProvenanceQuery.runLineageQuery(LineageSQLQuery lq, boolean includeDataValue)
          executes one of the lineage queries produced by the graph visit algorithm.
 Dependencies ProvenanceQuery.runVBQuery(LineageSQLQuery lq, boolean includeDataValue)

Method parameters in net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice with type arguments of type LineageSQLQuery
 java.util.List<Dependencies> ProvenanceQuery.runLineageQueries(java.util.List<LineageSQLQuery> lqList, boolean includeDataValue)