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Transferring Marks to the ARCADE Laboratory Book

Towards the end of the laboratory session you should transfer your marks into the Laboratory Book. Please use a red pen for this, so your data is unlikely to be missed. Locate each student in the laboratory group (most should be in the group timetabled for the current session). First you need to indicate when the work was completed by -- there are 3 choices, choose the first which applies from the list below.

  1. Column TWO - Completed by [session date]: Tick this column if the work was completed by the (unextended) deadline, that is, the end of the session allocated to the work for the deadline. Note that some students work days or even weeks ahead, so this tick may be entered some considerable time before the deadline.

  2. Column FOUR - Completed by [extended deadline date]: Tick this column if the work was completed by the extended deadline, which is usually the start of the session following the (unextended) deadline.

  3. Column FIVE - Or completion date: If the work you have marked was not completed by the extended deadline, you should enter the date on which the work was completed. The date written here must be the same as or later than the date of the extended deadline. If it is the same date as the extended deadline, you are recording the fact that the student missed the extended deadline, but completed later that same day. Only write that if that is what you mean, and in such cases it's a good idea to confirm this by writing a cross in column FOUR, rather than leaving it blank.

Then enter the mark in the right-hand column -- ignore any `Late' or `D' already printed in this column. It is also useful to write your initials to the right of the mark (in the margin) so that any later queries can be forwarded to you.

You should not need to add anything further to the Laboratory Book (Attendance, Extensions and Excuses will all be handled by the Laboratory Supervisor).

More details about the operation of ARCADE are given in § [*] below.

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John Latham 2008-10-30