COMP6016: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (2007-2008)


Important dates

Please let us know in good time if you have problems with the set deadlines.

Handing in your work

Please hand in your written coursework as a hard copy to the Student Support Office, Room LF21.

Course description

Follow this link for the course unit description, giving details about the aims and learning outcomes of the course, reading material, assessment, and the syllabus.



Locations and times

Refer to the ACS Timetable for dates.



Reading material

The module does not follow a specific book: copies of the slides are made available.

Recommended reading material is listed on the course description webpage. The list is not final and may change until the start of the course unit.

There is no need to buy a book for this course unit.

The recommended books are available in the Resources Centre Library and the main library.

Recommended Pre-requisites

See the intro slides for details.

To refresh your knowledge on sets, relations and function we recommend

To refresh your knowledge on propositional logic (also known as classical logic or Boolean logic) and first-order logic (also known as predicate logic) we recommend

Other resources


60% coursework, 40% exam

Of the coursework: 30% for essay, 35% for Uli's weekly coursework, 35% for Renate's weekly coursework

Renate A. Schmidt
Home | Publications | FM Group | Computer Science | Man Univ

Last modified: 21 Nov 07
Copyright © 2007-8 Renate A. Schmidt, School of Computer Science, Man Univ,