LintRoll Protégé User Guide

Installation Instructions:

You should see the LintRoll amongst the options under the Views/Ontology Views Menu: Tabs with LintRoll

Once selected your Lint Roll will contain on the right hand side a list of selectable Lint checks corresponding to the Lint check that could be loaded by the plug-in. If your Lint is not there it means it could not be loaded by the plug-in. Please make sure that you followed the instructions available at How To expose my Lint checks as Protege 4 plug-ins

Lint Roll View

Select amongst the available ones the Lint checks you want to perform on the current active ontologies. As soon as the selected Lint checks set is not empty the Detect LInt button in the toolbar will become enabled

Detect Button Available

Once clicked the Lint checks will be carried out on all the loaded ontologies and their reports will be displayed, indexed by ontology. Please notice that some objects may appear in more than on ontology. Although it depends on the particular Lint check implementations, very often they check characteristics of the objects/axiom  referenced in each single ontology. Therefore, an ontology imports another one, it will reference all its axioms and objects, hence the Lint check will probably report for the importing ontology, a super-set of the imported one(s).

Lint Report

Acting Lint checks provide their own strategy for fixing the problems they detect. The plug-in is able to recognise them and mark them  with a small hammer icon beside their report
Acting Lint report

If you select such Lint reports the Fix button below will be enabled and, once clicked, will perform the actions the Lint check provides to fix the problem.

Expose my Lint checks as a Protégé plugin

The most basic version of plug-in containing Lint checks should contain the following items
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.mypackage.lint;singleton:=true
Bundle-Category: protege
Bundle-Description: Lint checks plug-in specific for fun
Bundle-Vendor: My Package Company
Bundle-ClassPath: .
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework,
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Export-Package: com.mypackage
Bundle-Activator: org.protege.editor.core.plugin.DefaultPluginActivator
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.equinox.registry,

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<extension id="MyVeryFirstLint" point="">
<label value="My VeryFirst Important Lint Check"/>
<class value="com.mypackage.MyLint"/> </extension>

For a complete step by step guide on how to bundle a plug-in please read here.
As far Lint check plug-ins are concerned please make sure you check the following very important conditions
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