Uses of Class

Packages that use FormulaSet Classes implementing a model-checker. 

Uses of FormulaSet in

Methods in that return FormulaSet
 FormulaSet FormulaSet.add(Formula f)
          Add the given formula to this set.
static FormulaSet FormulaSet.add(FormulaSet set, Formula f)
          Add the given formula to the given set.
 FormulaSet FormulaSet.add(FormulaSet set)
          Add the given set of formulae to this set.
static FormulaSet FormulaSet.add(FormulaSet one, FormulaSet two)
          Add the given set of formulae to the given set.
 FormulaSet FormulaSet.getTail()
          The tail of this set.

Methods in with parameters of type FormulaSet
static boolean FormulaSet.present(FormulaSet set, Formula f)
          Is the given formula present in the given set?
static FormulaSet FormulaSet.add(FormulaSet set, Formula f)
          Add the given formula to the given set.
 FormulaSet FormulaSet.add(FormulaSet set)
          Add the given set of formulae to this set.
static FormulaSet FormulaSet.add(FormulaSet one, FormulaSet two)
          Add the given set of formulae to the given set.
static int FormulaSet.getSize(FormulaSet set)
          The number of elements in the given set.
static void FormulaSet.print(FormulaSet set)
          Print a set to System.out.
static void FormulaSet.print(FormulaSet set, PrintStream p)
          Print a set to the given stream.
static boolean FormulaSet.equal(FormulaSet set1, FormulaSet set2)
          Equality between sets of formulae.

Constructors in with parameters of type FormulaSet
FormulaSet(Formula head, FormulaSet tail)
          Create a new linked list node.