Class GreenDefinitions


public class GreenDefinitions
extends Object

Process definitions for basic Green components. Includes definitions for:

Inner Class Summary
static class GreenDefinitions.ConstructorFailure
Field Summary
static NamingContext defs
          Naming context that can create all basic Visual Green components.
Method Summary
static ProcessTerm Abs(Type type, Channel input, Channel output)
          Create a Green Absolute-value-Function component.
static ProcessTerm Add(Type type, Channel input1, Channel input2, Channel output)
          Create a Green Add-Function component.
static ProcessTerm And(Type type, Channel input1, Channel input2, Channel output)
          Create a Green And-Function component.
static ProcessTerm Arb(Type type, Channel[] input, Channel output)
          Create a Green Arbitrate component.
static ProcessTerm Buffer(Type type, Channel input, Channel output)
          Create an uninitialised Green Buffer component.
static ProcessTerm Buffer(Value initialValue, Type type, Channel input, Channel output)
          Create an initialised Green Buffer component.
static ProcessTerm Constant(Value constant, Type type, Channel output)
          Create a Green Constant component.
static ProcessTerm Div(Type type, Channel input1, Channel input2, Channel output)
          Create a Green Divide-Function component.
static ProcessTerm Dup(Type type, Channel input, Channel[] output)
          Create a Green Duplicate component.
static ProcessTerm Equal(Type type, Channel input1, Channel input2, Channel output)
          Create a Green Equal-Function component.
static ProcessTerm GT(Type type, Channel input1, Channel input2, Channel output)
          Create a Green Greater-than-Function component.
static ProcessTerm If(Type ctype, Type itype, Type otype, Channel control, Channel inmain, Channel inT, Channel inF, Channel outT, Channel outF, Channel outmain)
          Create a Green If component.
static ProcessTerm LT(Type type, Channel input1, Channel input2, Channel output)
          Create a Green Less-than-Function component.
static ProcessTerm Merge(Type ctype, Type itype, Value[] labels, Channel control, Channel[] input, Channel output)
          Create a Green Merge component.
static ProcessTerm Mul(Type type, Channel input1, Channel input2, Channel output)
          Create a Green Multiply-Function component.
static ProcessTerm Neg(Type type, Channel input, Channel output)
          Create a Green Negation-Function component.
static ProcessTerm Not(Type type, Channel input, Channel output)
          Create a Green Not-Function component.
static ProcessTerm Or(Type type, Channel input1, Channel input2, Channel output)
          Create a Green Or-Function component.
static ProcessTerm Sink(Type type, Channel input)
          Create a Green Sink component.
static ProcessTerm Split(Type ctype, Type itype, Value[] labels, Channel control, Channel input, Channel[] output)
          Create a Green Split component.
static ProcessTerm Sub(Type type, Channel input1, Channel input2, Channel output)
          Create a Green Subtract-Function component.
static ProcessTerm Synch(Type[] type, Channel[] input, Channel[] output)
          Create a Green Synchronise component.
static ProcessTerm Tuple(Type[] type, Channel[] input, Channel output)
          Create a Green Tuple component.
static ProcessTerm Untuple(Type[] type, Channel input, Channel[] output)
          Create a Green Untuple component.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final NamingContext defs
Naming context that can create all basic Visual Green components. Note that k-parameterised components should be retrieved by naming the component with a _k suffix, so a two-way duplicate would be called Duplicate_2.
Method Detail


public static ProcessTerm Sink(Type type,
                               Channel input)
Create a Green Sink component.


public static ProcessTerm Constant(Value constant,
                                   Type type,
                                   Channel output)
Create a Green Constant component.


public static ProcessTerm Buffer(Value initialValue,
                                 Type type,
                                 Channel input,
                                 Channel output)
Create an initialised Green Buffer component.


public static ProcessTerm Buffer(Type type,
                                 Channel input,
                                 Channel output)
Create an uninitialised Green Buffer component.


public static ProcessTerm Equal(Type type,
                                Channel input1,
                                Channel input2,
                                Channel output)
Create a Green Equal-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm Add(Type type,
                              Channel input1,
                              Channel input2,
                              Channel output)
Create a Green Add-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm Sub(Type type,
                              Channel input1,
                              Channel input2,
                              Channel output)
Create a Green Subtract-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm Mul(Type type,
                              Channel input1,
                              Channel input2,
                              Channel output)
Create a Green Multiply-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm Div(Type type,
                              Channel input1,
                              Channel input2,
                              Channel output)
Create a Green Divide-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm GT(Type type,
                             Channel input1,
                             Channel input2,
                             Channel output)
Create a Green Greater-than-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm LT(Type type,
                             Channel input1,
                             Channel input2,
                             Channel output)
Create a Green Less-than-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm And(Type type,
                              Channel input1,
                              Channel input2,
                              Channel output)
Create a Green And-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm Or(Type type,
                             Channel input1,
                             Channel input2,
                             Channel output)
Create a Green Or-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm Neg(Type type,
                              Channel input,
                              Channel output)
Create a Green Negation-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm Not(Type type,
                              Channel input,
                              Channel output)
Create a Green Not-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm Abs(Type type,
                              Channel input,
                              Channel output)
Create a Green Absolute-value-Function component.


public static ProcessTerm Dup(Type type,
                              Channel input,
                              Channel[] output)
Create a Green Duplicate component.


public static ProcessTerm Arb(Type type,
                              Channel[] input,
                              Channel output)
Create a Green Arbitrate component.


public static ProcessTerm Split(Type ctype,
                                Type itype,
                                Value[] labels,
                                Channel control,
                                Channel input,
                                Channel[] output)
Create a Green Split component.


public static ProcessTerm Merge(Type ctype,
                                Type itype,
                                Value[] labels,
                                Channel control,
                                Channel[] input,
                                Channel output)
Create a Green Merge component.


public static ProcessTerm Tuple(Type[] type,
                                Channel[] input,
                                Channel output)
Create a Green Tuple component.


public static ProcessTerm Untuple(Type[] type,
                                  Channel input,
                                  Channel[] output)
Create a Green Untuple component.


public static ProcessTerm Synch(Type[] type,
                                Channel[] input,
                                Channel[] output)
Create a Green Synchronise component.


public static ProcessTerm If(Type ctype,
                             Type itype,
                             Type otype,
                             Channel control,
                             Channel inmain,
                             Channel inT,
                             Channel inF,
                             Channel outT,
                             Channel outF,
                             Channel outmain)
Create a Green If component.