Interface StateEngine.EventStack

All Known Implementing Classes:
StateEngine.EventStackEager, StateEngine.EventStackLazy
Enclosing class:

public static interface StateEngine.EventStack

A stack of channel events. INTERNAL USE ONLY

Method Summary
 Enumeration elements()
          Get an enumeration of all the elements on the stack.
 Enumeration elements(int limit)
          Get an enumeration of the elements on the stack up to the given point.
 void push(StateEngine.ChannelEvent e)
          Add an event to the end of the stack.
 void setSize(int size)
          Set the size of the stack.
 int size()
          How many events are on the stack?

Method Detail


public void push(StateEngine.ChannelEvent e)
Add an event to the end of the stack. May also be null to mark the end of a step.


public int size()
How many events are on the stack?


public void setSize(int size)
Set the size of the stack. Used to pop off loads of elements at once (a single pop is not very useful!)


public Enumeration elements()
Get an enumeration of all the elements on the stack.


public Enumeration elements(int limit)
Get an enumeration of the elements on the stack up to the given point.