Interface DeadlockChecker.ExplorationObserver

Enclosing class:

public static interface DeadlockChecker.ExplorationObserver

Allows the watching of the progress of a deadlock check.

See Also:
DeadlockChecker.canDeadlock(int), DeadlockChecker.canDeadlock(), DeadlockChecker.addExplorationObserver(DeadlockChecker.ExplorationObserver), DeadlockChecker.removeExplorationObserver(DeadlockChecker.ExplorationObserver)

Method Summary
 void notify(int minor, int major, int depth, int back)
          Notifies the object about the start of an exploration chunk.

Method Detail


public void notify(int minor,
                   int major,
                   int depth,
                   int back)
Notifies the object about the start of an exploration chunk.
minor - The number of minor transitions performed so far.
major - The number of major transitions performed so far. Note that a major transition is performed even when going to a state that has been seen before.
depth - The current stack (execution path) depth.
back - The number of states backtracked out of (the size of the store.) Note that when a transition is made to a state that has been seen before, this count is not increased.
See Also: