
Research interests

Broadly my research is situated in knowledge-based AI, computational logic and automated reasoning. My main research involves the theoretical investigation and development of new knowledge representation and automated reasoning methodologies for different application areas. Specific topics of interest are:



Reasoning tools developed in my team (and one or two by myself) include:

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Research projects

Jul 2020 to Sept 2021
Just the Right Amount: SNOMED CT Content Extraction and Sharing, Partner: IHTSDO (SNOMED International).
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Project, IAA 290, Secondment Scheme.
Principal investigator.
Sep 2018 to Feb 2019
Comparison and Abstraction of SNOMED CT Ontologies, Partner: IHTSDO (SNOMED International).
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Project, IAA 228, Proof of Concept Scheme.
Principal investigator.
Sep 2017 to Apr 2018
AR4MO: Advanced Reasoning Technologies for Medical Ontologies, Partner: Babylon Health.
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Project, IAA 204, Proof of Concept Scheme.
Principal Investigator.
Apr 2015 - Sep 2015
ApplyUI: Application of Uniform Interpolation Technology to Large Corporate Ontologies, Partner: Klappo Ltd.
EPSRC IAA Impact Acceleration Project, IAA 084, Concept and Feasibility Scheme.
Principal Investigator.
Jan 2015 - Mar 2015
Early Stage Scoping of Food Ontology Engineering Support, Partner: Klappo Ltd.
EPSRC IAA Impact Acceleration Project, Relationship Incubator Scheme.
Principal Investigator.
May 2010 to Mar 2014
Automated Prover Generation, funded by the EPSRC.
Principal investigator.
Oct 2007 to Sep 2010
Consequence Relations in Logics of AI, collaborative research project with Manchester Metropolitan University funded by the EPSRC.
Principal investigator.
Jan 2007 to Dec 2009
Practical Reasoning Approaches for Web Ontologies and Multi-Agent Systems, collaborative research project with the University of Liverpool funded by the EPSRC.
Principal investigator.
Jan 2001 to Jan 2004
Proof Methods for Multi-Agent Systems, collaborative research project with the University of Liverpool funded by the EPSRC.
Principal investigator.
2001 to 2005
Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments, COST Action 274.
Consulted expert and active participant.
Aug 1999 to Aug 2002
Path-Based Reasoning for Guarded Formulae, PhD Project funded by the EPSRC.
Principal investigator.
1998 to 1999
Verification and Animation of Agent Theories, UK-Dutch Joint Scientific Resesearch Project with Wiebe van der Hoek, Department of Computer Science, Utrecht University, funded by a British Council/NWO research grant.
Principal investigator.
1995 to 1997
Transformation of Logical Systems (TRALOS) funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft.
1993 to 1995
Construction of Non-Classical Logics funded by the German-French PROCOPE Programme, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. Partners: Univ. Paul Sabatier and Inst. de Recherche CNRS.
1991 to 199?
Techniques for Inference in Communicating Systems (TICS), Project D2 of the SFB 314, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft. In cooperation with the Project Processing Arguments Between Controversially Minded Actors (Department of Computer Science, Saarbrücken).

Renate A. Schmidt
Home | Publications | Tools | FM Group | School | Man Univ

Last modified: 23 Jul 22
Copyright © 1998-2016 Renate A. Schmidt, School of Computer Science, Man Univ,