Verification within the KARO Agent Theory

Hustadt, U., Dixon, C., Schmidt, R. A., Fisher, M., Meyer, J.-J. and van der Hoek, W. (2006)

In C. Rouff, M. Hinchey, J. Rash, W. Truszkowski, and D. Gordon-Spears, editors, Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective, NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering Series, Springer. BiBTeX, PDF.

This chapter proposes two new methods for realising automated reasoning within agent-based systems. We concentrate on a core of the KARO framework, which is a specification framework for modelling intelligent agent behaviour. We discuss the advantages of each approach and suggest ways to extend each variant to cover more of the KARO framework.

Renate A. Schmidt
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Last modified: 11 Jan 06
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