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Computer Languages

Computer Languages

I intend to try to give you some answers to the following questions:

Why don't we just use English?

Natural languages, such as English, are ambiguous, fuzzily structured and have large (and changing) vocabularies. Computers have no common sense, so computer languages must be very precise - they have relatively few, exactly defined, rules for composition of programs, and strictly controlled vocabularies in which unknown words must be defined before they can be used. It is a major goal of research in Artificial Intelligence to find out how to make computers understand natural languages, and the more we learn, the harder it seems to be!

Why don't we just use Assembly Language?

Sometimes we have to use assembly language (Low-Level Language, LLL) because there just isn't any other sensible way of telling the computer what it must do. However, most programming is done in High-Level Languages (HLLs), so what benefits does this bring? The most important answer is productivity - it is usually easier, or more cost-effective, to use a HLL. Some of the reasons for this are:

How many Computer Languages are there?

late 1940s
first electronic computers & LLLs
first HLLs for computers
about 120 HLLs, about 15 in widespread use
about 80 HLLs in active (non-trivial) use
more than 2000 HLLs

Why do we use more than one Computer Language?

Different kinds of languages emphasise different things about the problem, and so are better at describing different aspects of the solution, or even different kinds of problems and solutions. Computer Science is ever-changing, so there is continual evolution of the concepts we need to use and the notations for describing these concepts.

For example, Operational languages express how something is achieved, and make the reader work out what is being achieved. Declarative languages express what must be achieved, and make the system work out how to achieve it.

The earliest languages had few restrictions, so they were very powerful, but turned out to be very dangerous to use. After a while, people developed languages that were much safer to use, but there were complaints about their lack of power. Nowadays, we are starting to see languages that are both safe and powerful, but the process has a long way to go yet.

What are the important differences between Computer Languages?

Saying the same thing in different ways - Syntactic differences

a = b + c
(set a, (add b, c))
b c + a =
    to_a ! b + c
    to_a ? a

\begin{picture}(6,2)% put(0,0)\{ framebox(6,2)\{\}\}
\put(1,1.3){\framebox (0.5,...
\put(3,0.2){\framebox (0.5,0.5){a}}

Saying different things - Semantic differences

Imperative Paradigm

The very earliest languages had to be based on something, and that was probably simple instructions give to humans without much vocabulary or common sense i.e. children. The basic ideas are about describing state (e.g. the current state, or a desired next state, of a particular set of things), the actions that modify the state, and the sequence of the actions. In a computation, state is represented by the values of registers (PC etc.) and memory (variables etc.). e.g. making tea:

 declare kettle, teapot, water, tea_leaves;
 kettle= water;
 boil (kettle);
 teapot= tea_leaves;
 teapot= teapot + kettle;

However, although this is intuitive for simple problems, it became clear that this did not scale well - i.e. it becomes disproportionately hard to use as problem size increases. To determine whether a program will work correctly, we must examine e.g. all possible combinations of actions on all of the state.

To reduce the number of possible combinations, we can control:
which actions are permitted on different parts of the state - type checking
whereabouts in the program particular actions can be used or parts of the state accessed - scope

Increasing awareness of scope and type checking carried language design in two directions. The main stream of language design included these ideas in most programming languages, and gave rise to new programming paradigms which maximised the control over state (objects), or minimised the use of state (functional, logic). However, as the problem became better understood, it became clear that in some situations it could be an advantage to avoid scopes and types altogether (scripting).

Object Oriented Paradigm

This is similar to Imperative but with maximum use of types & scopes - keep state in objects, each type of object (class) having its own set of actions (methods). Furthermore, the state in an object can often only be accessed or modified via its associated methods.

Functional paradigm

Functional languages emphasise the transformations of values (so the notation usually makes it easy to describe & examine values):

 let  boiling_water = boil (put_in (kettle, [water]))
 in   put_in (teapot, [tea_leaves, boiling_water])
In particular, values don't have state, so they can be substituted freely:
 put_in (teapot, [tea_leaves, boil (put_in (kettle, [water]))])

Logic paradigm

Define a problem by describing its facts and properties, and then solve it by giving the system a goal to prove using those facts and properties.
If we ask ``can we make tea in a teapot'' by typing make(teapot, tea). the system answers yes, or if we ask ``what can we make tea in'' by typing make (X, tea). we get X = teapot We can even get the system to tell us how to make tea:
  move(Item,Con,Con2):- write('move '), write(Item),
  	write(' from '), write(Con2), write(' to '), write(Con), nl.
  canboil(kettle):- write('boil kettle'), nl.
and make(teapot, tea). will output:
  move tea_leaves from tea_caddy to teapot
  move water from tap to kettle
  boil kettle
  move boiling_water from kettle to teapot

Parallel paradigm

Another difficulty with Imperative programming was the concept of sequence - there are many circumstances where the exact order of some actions does not matter, as long as they are all done before we progress to the next step. In parallel languages, if actions don't interact, work on them in any order (non-determinism), or even simultaneously (multi-processing).

 CHAN OF ANY to_pot, to_kettle, kettle_to_pot, to_cup:
 declare boiling_water:
   declare water:
   SEQ -- kettle
     to_kettle ? water
     boil ( )
     kettle_to_pot ! boiling_water
   declare tea_leaves:
   SEQ -- teapot
       to_pot ? tea_leaves
       kettle_to_pot ? boiling_water
     to_cup ! tea

Scripting Paradigm

So far, we have been thinking about languages suitable for solving very large problems, where the resulting programs are tens of thousands or more lines long, written and maintained by more than one person. However, not all problems require industrial-strength solutions, and different requirements have given rise to different kinds of languages. The situations where they are applicable are:

The resulting languages are greatly simplified from the programmers point of view, so that ``scripting languages make programmers of us all''. A major design pressure is to minimise the amount that users have to write, and therefore that they can get wrong. In particular, they minimise the use of declarations, and thus the use of types or scopes - they often only have one type, the string (so numbers are held as a series of digit characters). This reduces the usefulness of compilation, and means that more work must be done at run-time, so these languages are often interpreted (and thus run much more slowly). They are often used to write simple little programs that are unlikely to ever be run again.

The earliest such languages were precursors to what we now know as CLIs or shells. Many of the thousands of existing programming languages are scripting languages designed to control specific applications. Widely-used scripting languages include AWK, Bash, JavaScript, Perl, Python, Rexx, and Tcl. Some of the ideas behind scripting languages are also relevant to more main-stream languages, such as Visual Basic.

There is a big danger lurking in all of this - the very simplicity of scripting languages makes them easy to overuse, and there is a new generation of users busy reinventing the mistakes of the previous generations, writing programs that no-one understands or can maintain.

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Pete Jinks 2003-09-25