Title: Static Reduction Analysis for Imperative Object-Oriented Languages Authors: Gilles Barthe, Bernard Serpette Abstract: We define a novel static analysis, Static Reduction Analysis (SRA), for an untyped object-oriented language featuring side-effects and exceptions. While its aims and range of applications closely relate to Control Flow Analysis (CFA), SRA exhibits a distinguished feature: it only deals with abstract syntax tree (AST) nodes and does not involve approximations of environments nor stores. Besides, the analysis is control-flow sensitive, yielding more precise approximations than conventional CFA. Finally, the analysis is modular, since it is parameterised by an approximation function, which determines the granularity of the analysis, and a lookup function, which determines which method is called in a method call. The approximation function may be instantiated to yield some well-know analyses, such as k-CFAs, whereas the lookup function may be instantiated to handle multiple inheritance and generic functions as in OCaml, or type-based method resolution as in Java. Remarkably, all other approximation functions, including those for evaluation flow and stack approximation, are derived from the lookup and approximation functions.