
2D Ising model (each site has 2 states - red and white). Detecting of the interface (blue), its length (graph on the right), etc. Early draft ((c) 1999) Application was arranged in ANSI C, using standard GL. Snapshot was taken from SGI machine. The standard 2D Ising model was constrained by the boundary conditions of the Klein bottle. In such circumstances it is impossible to detect the transition numerically using conventional energy histogram calculations. Viktor's belief was that the information about the interface properties could yield results on the phase behaviour. However, the system has vague or no connection to the real world and hence is rather an entertaining piece of code. The algorithm detects a boundary (blue) between two different phases real time as simulation runs. The graph on the left shows dependence of the interface length on the temperature of the system. Click on image to enlarge.


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©2002-2004 Viktor Yarmolenko