ambition - n. desire for distinction or a specific attainment; its object.

Although in this day and age ambition is admired as a character trait, the word is often misused to justify ruthless arrogance, getting to the top at the expense of your friends… On this page the author will retain the original definition of the word, stated above, in describing his ambition.


Any body has a number of the degrees of freedom, such as translation, rotation, etc. Any member of society can also possess many degrees of freedom; Viktor's ambition is to obtain all those available. The list of some of the degrees of freedom, desired by Viktor, along with a brief description follows.
Intellectual Freedom: "Find the truth and the truth shall set you free" (John 8:32). Viktor's desire is to analyse rules and patterns in nature and society and question common thinking regarding these patterns. In pursuit of intellectual freedom he obtained a degree in Physics and then PhD in Computational Physics. In addition, he meets people with different backgrounds, specialists in their fields. He believes that truth, being multi-dimensional, is hard for one person to grasp. Each individual can see and digest only a limited number of its projections, hence the need for fellowship and exchange of thoughts.
Freedom of movement: Most nations in the world have limited the freedom of movement for the majority of people, making some more privileged than others. Viktor's goal is to widen his freedom of movement with accord to his requirements.
Freedom from prejudice: This issue concerns many aspects of live of the conscience being. This page however will touch upon the professional side of it, owing to the goal of this web page. A good thinker keeps a balance between using intelligence gained in past, his own as well as others; and questioning the legitimacy of settled assumptions laid in the form of theories, laws or conclusions from analysed patterns. The latter often draws the fire of one's peers. A great thinker is one who is free from such prejudice. Among them to name but few, are Galileo, Copernicus, Einstein. Viktor's goal is to continuously refine this degree of freedom.

©2002-2004 Viktor Yarmolenko