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School of Computer Science

Abstracting and Generalising the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) Ontology

Supplementary Material

A copy of the paper submitted to the bio-ontologies meeting can be found here.

Instructions for the Abstraction jar file:

  • Run the jar file: java -jar AbstractionAlg_v1.6_xxx.jar
  • Browse for the FMA subset you want to abstract and the input hierarchy with symmetries and start the Abstraction
Example usage: Use the Initial-FMA-subset.owl and the "example Input hierarchy for Abstraction.txt" to test the abstraction algorithm (Both files should be in the same classpath with the jar file). The text file should contain the hierarchy of the Symmetries that will be considered by the abstraction algorithm.

Instructions for the Expansion jar file:

  • Run the jar file: java -jar ExpandAlg_v0.6_xxx.jar
  • Browse for the abstracted FMA ontology and the input hierarchy with symmetries and start the Expansion
Example usage: Use the Abstracted_ontology_v1_6.owl and the "example Input hierarchy for Expansion.txt" to test the expansion algorithm (Both files should be in the same classpath with the jar file).