FAME 2.0: An Automated Tool for Forgetting in Description Logics with Qualified Number Restrictions

FAME is a high-performance reasoning tool for semantic forgetting in a set of description logics without qualified number restrictions. It is a Java-based implementation of an Ackermann-based method developed recently for forgetting concept and role names from OWL ontologies specified in the description logic ALCOIH. In this paper, we describe the current 2.0 release of FAME, namely, FAME 2.0, for forgetting in description logics with number restrictions. In particular, FAME 2.0 is a Java-based implementation of two Ackermann-based methods developed more recently for forgetting respectively concept names and role names from OWL ontologies expressible in the description logic ALCOQH. While allowing more examples to be solved, admitting number restrictions in the language significantly increases the difficulty of the forgetting problem, as well as the difficulty of the implementation of the forgetting method. FAME 2.0 is the only tool so far for concept forgetting in description logics with number restrictions plus nominals and ABoxes, and the only tool so far for role forgetting in description logics with number restrictions. As with FAME, FAME 2.0 can be used as a standalone tool or a Java library for forgetting or related tasks. An empirical evaluation of the tool on a large corpus of biomedical ontologies has shown that FAME 2.0 was able to find the forgetting solutions in nearly 90% of the test cases, and in most of these cases, the solutions were computed within a very short time (< 10 seconds).


UI FAME for ALC Ontologies


Download UIFame4ALC.zip, unpack with

unzip UIFame4ALC.zip
and refer to the readme.txt file.

FAME: An Automated Tool for Semantic Forgetting in Expressive Description Logics

FAME is a high-performance reasoning tool for semantic forgetting in expressive description logics. Forgetting is a non-standard reasoning service that seeks to create restricted views of ontologies by eliminating concept and role names from ontologies in a way such that all logical consequences up to the remaining signature are preserved. FAME is a Java-based implementation of an Ackermann-based method for forgetting concept and role names from ontologies expressible in the description logic ALCOIH. ALCOIH is the extension of the basic description logic ALC with nominals, inverse roles and role inclusions. FAME can be used as a standalone tool or a Java library for forgetting or related tasks.

Please refer to the following for details of the theory, the implementation and results of an empirical evaluations.


Download FAME_IJCAR.zip, unpack with

unzip FAME_IJCAR.zip
and refer to the readme.txt file.


We look forward to your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to yizheng.zhao@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk or schmidt@cs.man.ac.uk.
Renate A. Schmidt
Home | Publications | Tools | FM Group | School | Man Univ

Last modified: 25 Jun 18
Copyright © 2018 Renate A. Schmidt, School of Computer Science, Man Univ, schmidt@cs.man.ac.uk