AiML-2004: Advances in Modal Logic

Schmidt, R. A., Pratt-Hartmann, I., Reynolds, M. and Wansing, H. (editors) (Sept. 2004)

Technical Report UMCS-04-09-01, University of Manchester, UK. BiBTeX, PDF.

This report contains the preliminary versions of papers presented at the International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic held in September 2004 in Manchester. The papers include 6 contributions by invited speakers and 28 accepted regular papers. These cover a wide range of topics in modal logic, extending from foundational papers on the mathematics of modal logic, proof theory, computational aspects, philosophical issues, to more `applied' research where extended modal logic formalisms and modelling of knowledge, belief, time and actions are crucial.

Renate A. Schmidt
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Last modified: 14 Sep 04
Copyright © 2004 Renate A. Schmidt, School of Computer Science, Man Univ,