MOTEL User Manual

Hustadt, U., Nonnengart, A., Schmidt, R. A. and Timm, J. (June 1992)

Tech. Rep. MPI-I-92-236, MPI für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany. BiBTeX, DVI, PostScript

MOTEL is a logic-based knowledge representation languages of the KL-ONE family. It contains as a kernel the KRIS language which is a decidable sublanguage of first-order predicate logic (see Baader and Hollunder (1990)). Whereas KRIS is a single-agent knowledge representation system, i.e. KRIS is only able to represent general world knowledge or the knowledge of one agent about the world, MOTEL is a multi-agent knowledge representation system. The MOTEL language allows modal contexts and modal concept forming operators which allow to represent and reason about the believes and wishes of multiple agents. Furthermore it is possible to represent defaults and stereotypes. Beside the basic resoning facilities for consistency checking, classification, and realization, MOTEL provides an abductive inference mechanism. Furthermore it is able to give explanations for its inferences.

Renate A. Schmidt
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Last modified: 27 Apr 2001
Copyright © 1996,7,8 Renate A. Schmidt, School of Computer Science, Man Univ,