International Patient Summary Terminology

Del-Pinto, W., Schmidt, R. A., Gao, Y., Alghamdi, G., Lopez Osornio, A. and Roy, S. (2023)

MEDINFO 2023: Proceedings of the 19th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, IOS Press, To appear. BiBTeX.

SNOMED CT is a comprehensive medical ontology used in health care sectors across the world covering a wide range of concepts that support diversity at the point of healthcare. However, not all these concepts are needed for every use case, instead it is better to concentrate on those parts that apply to the particular application. This paper considers the application of a novel subontology extraction method to create a new resource called the IPS terminology. The IPS terminology functions as a standalone ontology with the same features as SNOMED CT but is designed for cross-border patient care.

Renate A. Schmidt
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Last modified: 19 Feb 23
Copyright © 2023 Renate A. Schmidt, School of Computer Science, Man Univ,