Third Year Student Projects

  1. Health data project 1: Viewing a subontology together with the full ontology
  2. Health data project 2: Enhancing the SNOMED CT subontology browser with new functionality
  3. Health data project 3: Viewing a subontology together with the full ontology
  4. Health data project 4: Properties of subontologies in comparison with another type of ontology extracts
  5. Support Tool for a health data ontology
  6. Implementing a natural deduction prover
  7. Extending the SPASS theorem prover for hybrid modal logic

For details please refer to the Project Book.

Anybody who wants to propose an own project relating to the above topics or my research interests should feel free to discuss them with me.

Renate A. Schmidt
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Last modified: 23 Jul 22
Copyright © 2005-2022 Renate A. Schmidt, School of Computer Science, Univ. Man.,