Student Representation and Feedback University Regulations, Procedures and PoliciesIll Health Mitigating Circumstances Committee

Mitigating Circumstances Committee

Evidence of illness or any other mitigating circumstances during the course or examinations is considered by the School's Postgraduate Mitigating Circumstances Committee, which makes recommendations to the course examiners. It is therefore particularly important that any periods of ill health are properly documented, and that such documentation is deposited with the Postgraduate Office at the time of the illness. Other Mitigating Circumstances which disrupt your studies will also be considered.

If you wish the Mitigating Circumstances Committee to consider your case you must complete a Mitigating Circumstances form at, which is available from the Student Support Office or from the web. You will normally need documentation, eg a medical note to support your application.


Certification of Student Ill Health forms are available in the Student Support Office, all schools and halls of residence. Your school will give you guidance on the effect of any absence from your studies or if you consider your illness has affected your studies. If you have repeated episodes of ill health which is affecting your studies, your school may refer you to the Student Health Centre.

If you are found to have been deceitful or dishonest in completing the Certification of Student Ill Health form you could be liable to disciplinary action under the University's General Regulation XVII: Conduct and Discipline of Students.

The use of the `Certification of Student Ill Health' forms by GPs as described above has been agreed by the Manchester Local Medical Committee. A GP may make a charge for completing the form.

Student Representation and Feedback University Regulations, Procedures and PoliciesIll Health Mitigating Circumstances Committee