Material for the Course An Introduction to Description Logics: Techniques, Properties, and Applications
at NASSLLI 2016

Here are the slides - with thanks to Thomas Schneider, who made the original versions for most of the slides from the first and fifth day. These slides contain results and material from a large variety of papers by a large variety of authors (Franz Baader, Alex Borgida, Bernhardo Cuenca Grau, Matthew Horridge, Ian Horrocks, Carsten Lutz, Boris Motik, Frank Wolter, Peter Patel-Schneider, Rafael Penaloza, Bijan Parsia, Klaus Schild, Stephan Tobies to name a few), often described in a rather condensed form - and with almost no references to these papers inside the slides. To find out more, have a look at To use the Protégé OWL editor, visit their web site and install Protégé Desktop (currently version 5). Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions!