Pavel Rybin's Curriculum Vitæ for the Web

Contact Information

pavel dot rybin at
Personal Website
Pavel Rybin
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester
M13 9PL

Recent Occupations

PhD Student, University of Manchester (October 2005 -- Present)

Reading for a PhD at the Centre for Novel Computing (a research group in the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester). Provisional thesis topic is "Parallelising Traversals of Complex Data Structures".

Last summer was spent at Microsoft Research, Redmond, working on the Accelerator project (a just-in-time compiled data-parallel language).

Consultant, n-sim Ltd. (July 2005 -- Present)

I am one of the founders of n-sim, a technical consultancy firm operating mainly out of Cambridge.

Software Engineer, ARM Ltd, Cambrige (October 2004 -- September 2005)

Software engineer in the Java group, Embedded Software Division. Worked on JVMs and Java compiler tools using C, Python, Java and ARM assembler.

Supervisor, Churchill College, Cambridge (November 2004 -- June 2005)

Part-time supervisor for undergraduate students reading Computer Science. Duties involved teaching small groups of students to facilitate their understanding of the relevant lecture courses (I was responsible for "Computer Design" and "Graphics and Image Processing", both second-year courses).

Student Software Engineer, Axiom International, Cambridge (June 2004 -- September 2004)

Student Software Engineer -- Axiom International, Cambridge
A 10-week placement mostly involving optimisation of computer vision algorithms in C++, as well as developing tools in Perl to manage large libraries of digital images.

Churchill College, University of Cambridge (October 2001 -- June 2004)

BA (Hons) in Computer Science; topic of final-year dissertation was "Post-Hoc Semantics for the Perl Programming Language" (formal specification and clean-room implementation of a subset of Perl).