CS2051 - Operating Systems
- Schedule: [pdf]
- Lectures (1.1): Wednesdays 9-10am; Fridays 4-5pm
- Labs (Dual Boot Lab, LF39/35/34):
- Group F (alt.Fridays 09:00-11:00; supervised by CK/GE):
- Group G (alt.Tuesdays 13:00-15:00; supervised by CCK):
- Group H (alt.Thursdays 09:00-11:00; supervised by RIS):
- Additional marking sessions will take place the first week of the 2nd term.
- Examples Classes (all in LF15):
- Group F (alt.Thursdays 10:00-11:00; supervised by RIS):
13/10, 27/10, 17/11, 01/12, 15/12.
- Group G (alt.Fridays 09:00-10:00; supervised by CCK):
14/10, 28/10, 18/11, 02/12, 16/12.
- Group H (alt.Tuesdays 14:00-15:00; supervised by JDG):
11/10, 25/10, 15/11, 29/11, 13/12.
Course Book
Your are advised to get hold of a copy of one of the following:
- Operating System Concepts with Java (6th edition) (shorthand OSCJ), by Abraham Silberschatz,
Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne.
Check this link for further information by the authors.
References will also be provided to an earlier version
of this book, with the title Applied Operating System Concepts
(1st edition) (AOSC), by the same authors.
Check this link for further information by the authors.
- Modern Operating Systems (2nd edition) (MOS), by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
(Prentice-Hall). Check this link for further
material related to this book added by its author.
Copies of the above are available from the John Rylands University
Library and the UG Resource Centre.
Other recommended books:
- Operating System Concepts, by Silberschatz et al (
Info by the authors). This seems to be the newest edition in the series.
You may find that the 6th edition has many similarities with OSCJ.
- Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, by Tanenbaum.
- Operating Systems: internals and design principles, by Stallings
(Info by the
- Operating Systems (3rd edition), by Gary Nutt.
(Info by the author).
- Operating Systems Principles, by Bic and Shaw.
Copies of most of the above can be found in John Rylands University Library.
(Accessible from Computer Science machines only)
- Lecture 01 (Introduction to Operating Systems) (RIS): [powerpoint],
[AOSC/OSCJ, Chapter 1; MOS, Chapter 1 up to 1.3, pp. 1-20]
- Lecture 02 (Operating System Concepts) (RIS): [powerpoint],
[AOSC, Sections 2.5, 2.6, 3.1-3.6 (skim through the rest of Chapters 2
and 3); MOS, Sections 1.5-1.11 (skim through the system call details)]
- Lecture 03 (The Process Manager: Processes) (RIS): [powerpoint],
[AOSC, Sections 4.1, 4.2.3, 4.3, 4.6, 5.1-5.3 (skim through the rest of 4.2);
OSCJ, Sections 4.1, 4.2.3, 4.3, 4.7, 5.1;
MOS, Sections 2.1-2.2.4]
- Lecture 04 (Threads & An Introduction to Process and Thread Scheduling) (RIS): [powerpoint],
[AOSC/OSCJ, Sections 6.1-6.3.2; MOS, Section 2.5 up to page 140 (incl.)]
- Lecture 05 (Process Scheduling Algorithms) (RIS): [powerpoint],
[AOSC, Sections 6.3.3-6.3.6, 6.9 (skim through 6.5-6.8);
OSCJ, Sections 6.3.3-6.3.6, 6.10 (skim through 6.5-6.8)
MOS, Section 2.5.3 up to page 146, 2.7 (skim through 2.5.4)] Also, some words of advice
about the lab were given - check this for
the powerpoint file used.
- Lecture 6
- Lecture
- Lecture 08 (Threads in Java)(CCK):[powerpoint],
[pdf][OSC Sections 5.7 and 6.8; Java documentation]
- Lecture 09 (Memory Management I)(CCK):[powerpoint],[pdf]
[OSC Sections 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3; MOS sections 4.1 and 4.2]
- Lecture 10 (Memory Management II)(CCK)[powerpoint],[pdf]
[MOS: Section 4.8; OSC Section 9.5]
- Lecture 11 (Memory Management II)(CCK)[powerpoint],[pdf]
[MOS: Sections 4.3 & 4.4; OSC Section 9.4 & 10.4]
- Lecture 12 (Memory Management II)(CCK)[powerpoint],[pdf]
[MOS: Sections 4.3 & 4.8; OSC Section 9.4 & 9.6]
- Lecture 13 (powerpoint only)
- Lecture 14 (powerpoint only)
- Lecture 15 (File Manager I)(CCK)[powerpoint],[pdf]
[MOS: Sections 6.1 & 6.2; OSC Sections 11.1-11.3]
- Lecture 16 (File Manager II)(CCK)[powerpoint],[pdf]
[MOS: Section 6.3; OSC Section 12.1-12.5]
- Lecture 17 (File Manager III)(CCK)[powerpoint],[pdf]
[MOS: Section 6.3; OSC Section 12.5-12.7]
- Lecture 18 (MS Windows Case Study)(RIS)[powerpoint],[pdf]
- Lecture 17 (Unix Case Study)(CCK)[powerpoint],[pdf]
[MOS: Chapter 10; OSC Appendix A]
Resources on the web
Exam Papers from past years
(NB: The style of the exam has changed in recent years - papers before 2001 are not relevant now)
CS2051 material from previous years
- Course Organisers: Chris
Kirkham, Rizos Sakellariou
- TAs: GE, KN, NW
- Lab demonstrators: MH, PV, AT (G/F only), CT (F/H only); LL (H only), MJ (G only).