Medinfo OWL Tutorial

Alan Rector
University of Manchester

Goals for Tutorial


The presentations will include a rapid review of OWL basics but will be aimed at people with some prior knowledge of OWL.  Anyone not having done so is advised to work through the OWL introductory tutorial by Matthew Horridge (the "pizza tutorial")

Software and material required

The tutorial will be more meaningful if you are able to follow along with the software and experiment afterwards.  To do so, download Protege4Alpha from

If you do not have Graphviz installed, you should also install it in order for the OwlViz tool in Protege to work properly -

All of the tutorial material, including presentations, handouts, and ontologies, is available from  Note that the handouts and ontologies contain considerable additional material beyond what can be covered in a three-hour tutorial.

Other material

Further tutorial material (including this one) and much else about OWL is available from the CO-ODE project web site

This Document


This tutorial was developed in cooperation with the CO-ODE and HyOntUse (GR/S44686/1)  projects funded by the UK Joint Information Infrastructure Committee (JISC) and EPSRC respectively,  and with the EU Funded Semantic Mining Network of Excellence. This work also supported in part by the  UK MRC funded  CLEF and CLEF-Services projects (G0100852).

Copyright: All material copyright University of Manchester released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License.