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You can find information about Computer Languages, Parsing, Grammars, and Compilers here.

CS1011: Introduction to Computer Systems

This is an old version of CS1011, last given Autumn 2000. Information about another version of CS1011 and CS1001 can be found here: CS1011 and CS1001

This page mainly comprises a set of useful links to additional material for CS1011 compiled by Pete Jinks. Pete normally does about half of the syllabus but is off sick at present. However the lectures given by Peter Capon are substantially the same.

Be warned that there were some changes to the lectures in 1999/2000 but these pages have not been updated. The main difference is that I have replaced the introductory lecture about Babbage by several lectures about EPOS, to introduce the various components of a computer system.

Tutorials & Examples classes

Students from the CS department taking CS1011 have tutorials, which include presentations. Students from other departments taking CS1011 write an essay about a presentation topic (or something similar).

Students taking CS1011 but not CS1031

Students from the CS department do the first CS1031 tutorial (about 2's complement, hexadecimal, etc.). Students from other departments have an examples class covering similar material during this week.

All students have 2 examples classes (at times when most students have their last 2 CS1031 tutorials)


January 1999 Exam
CS1011 and CS1041 are assessed in the same exam, but by different questions.
CS1011 Question 1 is compulsory - you have to fill in 40 missing words, numbers or phrases (set by Pete Jinks & Peter Capon). You must also answer either question 2 (set by Pete Jinks) or question 3 (set by Peter Capon).
CS1041 If you are taking CS1041 (as most of you do), you must also answer question 4 (set by John Latham).
Question 1 has no optional parts. For question 2 you can answer any three of the four parts. I don't know any details about question 3. For question 4 you must answer 4 out of 6 parts.

Here are some hints about exam technique

January 1998 exam and answers and marking scheme

Other relevant links

Books and references

Prentice Hall's booklist
Long & Long
Jargon File 3.0.0 - The Ultimate Index
Computing Dictionary at Imperial College (which has a search engine) or at Brighton (as on BURKS CDROM)


The Unix and Internet Fundamentals HOWTO gives a simple story of how PCs and the linux operating system work together.



The first stored-program computer - Mark 1

Mark 1 reborn!
ftp a copy of the Mark 1 simulator for PCs (SSEM simulator written by Andrew Molyneux)
National Archive for the History of Computers points to picture of Mark 1 and NAHC catalogue
Tom Kilburn and Chris Burton on The Net, talking about the Mark 1.
Manchester University Madam
BBC News | Sci/Tech | The Baby is back

Seminars - Clipper Chip

$CS1011/clipper (extracts from RISKS DIGEST vol14 issues 51-84)

Stolen from Yahoo's page on Computers and Internet:Security and Encryption:Encryption Policy:Clipper Chip

The content of this page and those it links to is copyright © Pete Jinks, except, obviously, for links that go to other web-sites, and pages that I have myself copied from elsewhere. (I hope I have correctly acknowledged any such copying - please let me know if I have missed any out.)

You are welcome to make educational, not-for-profit use of my work, but please give me credit when you do so.