8th International Workshop on
Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation

Manchester, United Kingdom, 15 - 19 June 1998

Mirror sites: Sweden | United Kingdom

Sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming (ALP),
by the ESPRIT Network of Excellence in Computational Logic (Compulog Net),
and by the Prolog Development Center (PDC)

LOPSTR'98 was the eighth in a series of annual international workshops on logic-based program synthesis and transformation. It was held in parallel to the Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming (JICSLP'98). It coincided with the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the World's First Stored-Program Computer, the Baby, built at Manchester in 1948. Both LOPSTR'98 and JICSLP'98 were organised by the Department of Computer Science of the University of Manchester.

New Objectives

As a workshop, LOPSTR'98 continued the tradition of being a lively and friendly forum for presenting recent and current research as well as discussing future trends in the synthesis and transformation of programs. Compared to previous editions, however, the scope and mode of operation were somewhat modified.

The scope encompassed any computational-logic-based techniques, languages, and tools for the interactive or automated development of any kinds of programs. Also, papers discussing programming-in-the-large issues, or presenting practical applications, or convincingly arguing for the practical applicability of given theoretical results were strongly encouraged.

The mode of operation became as follows. Based upon submitted extended abstracts, the programme committee invited authors to present their research at the workshop. Pre-proceedings with the accepted extended abstracts were available at the workshop as a technical report. Shortly after the workshop, the programme committee invited the authors of the most promising abstracts and presentations to submit full papers. After another round of refereeing, the best full papers were included in the post-workshop proceedings, which were published in early 1999 as Volume 1559 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer-Verlag.

Extended abstracts were submitted about, but not limited to, the following topics:

specification composition specialisation verification schemas
synthesis transformation analysis reuse industrial applications

These extended abstracts were reviewed by the programme committee.

The invited speech was by Pierre Wolper (Université de Liège, Belgium).

Also note the JICSLP'98 post-conference workshop Automated Software Engineering and Logic Programming, which was held on 20 June 1998, and which provided a forum for the ASE and LP communities to discuss the key issues that they should address in order to foster a concerted effort. No papers were submitted to this workshop, but (abstracts of) position statements were welcome.

Programme Committee

Pierre Flener Uppsala University, Sweden (programme chair)
Nicoletta Cocco University of Venice, Italy
Andreas Hamfelt Uppsala University, Sweden
Kung-Kiu Lau University of Manchester, UK (workshop chair)
Baudouin Le Charlier  University of Namur, Belgium
Michael Leuschel University of Southampton, UK
Michael Lowry NASA Ames, USA
Ali Mili Institute for Software Research, USA, and University of Tunis II, Tunisia
Lee Naish Melbourne University, Australia
Mario Ornaghi University of Milan, Italy
Alberto Pettorossi University of Rome II, Italy
Dave Robertson University of Edinburgh, UK
Richard Waldinger SRI International, USA

Important Dates

Submission of extended abstracts: 27 March 1998         (submission is closed!)
Notification to authors:   1 May 1998            (done!)
Workshop: 15 to 19 June 1998   (done!)
Submission of full papers: 25 September 1998  (submission is closed!)
Notification to authors: 30 October 1998       (done!)


Practical Information

Miscellaneous Information


Address all correspondence (email preferred!) to:
Pierre Flener (LOPSTR'98) Phone: +46 18 471 1028
Department of Information Science Fax:     +46 18 52 12 70
Uppsala University, Box 311  Email: pierref@csd.uu.se
S-751 05 Uppsala Web: http://www.csd.uu.se/~pierref/lopstr98/
Sweden UK mirror: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~kung-kiu/lopstr98/

Maintained by Pierre Flener. Last modified on 10 May 1999.