SMLP: Symbolic Machine Learning Prover.
F. Brausse, Z. Khasidashvili and K. Korovin
The 36th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'24) [@Springer, @arXiv, bibtex@dblp], 2024
Graph sequence learning for premise selection
E. K. Holden, K. Korovin
Journal of Symbolic Computation, pp. 24, vol. 128, 102376, 2025
[@Elsevier, @arXiv]
Invariant neural architecture for learning term synthesis in instantiation proving
J, Piepenbrock, J. Urban, K. Korovin, M. Olsak, T. Heskes, M. Janota
Journal of Symbolic Computation, pp. 21, vol. 128, 102375, 2025
VIRAS: Conflict-Driven Quantifier Elimination for Integer-Real Arithmetic
J. Schoisswohl, L. Kovacs, K. Korovin:
The 25th Conference on Logic for Programming,
Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR'24) [@EasyChair, bibtex@fblp]
ESBMC v7.6: Enhanced Model Checking of C++ Programs with Clang AST.
X. Li, K. Song, M. R. Gadelha, F. Brausse, R. S. Menezes, K. Korovin, L. C. Cordeiro
[@arXiv] 2024
- ESBMC v7.4: Harnessing the Power of Intervals - (Competition Contribution)
R. S Menezes, M. Aldughaim, B. Farias, X. Li, E. Manino, F. Shmarov, K. Song, F. Brauße, M. R. Gadelha, N. Tihanyi, K. Korovin, L. C. Cordeiro
TACAS'24, p. 376-380, 2024 [@Springer, bibtex@dblp]
- The Use of AI-Robotic Systems for Scientific Discovery
A. H. Gower, K. Korovin, D. Brunnsaker, F. Kronstrom, G. K. Reder, I. A. Tiukova, R. S. Reiserer, J. P. Wikswo, R. D. King
[@arXiv] 2024
The ksmt calculus is a δ-complete decision procedure for non-linear constraints.
F. Brausse, K. Korovin, M. Korovina and N. Th. Mueller
Theoretical Computer Science, vol 975, Elsevier, 2023
[pdf, bibtex@dblp]
LGEM+: A First-Order Logic Framework for Automated Improvement of Metabolic Network Models Through Abduction
A. H. Gower, K. Korovin, D. Brunnsåker, I. A. Tiukova, R. D. King
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference Discovery Science, DS'23, p. 628-643, LNCS vol. 14276, Springer, 2023
[pdf, bibtex@dblp]
ALASCA: Reasoning in Quantified Linear Arithmetic.
K. Korovin, L. Kovács, G. Reger, J. Schoisswohl, A. Voronkov
Proceedings of the 29th on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'23)
Refining Unification with Abstraction
A. Bhayat, K. Korovin, L. Kovács, J. Schoisswohl
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Logic
for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR'23), p. 36-47, EPiC Series in Computing, EasyChair, 2023
[pdf, bibtex@dblp]
Guiding an Instantiation Prover with Graph Neural Networks
K. Chvalovsky, K. Korovin, J. Piepenbrock, J. Urban
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Logic
for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR'23), p. 112-123, EPiC Series in Computing, EasyChair, 2023
Combining Constraint Solving and Bayesian Techniques for System Optimization
F. Brausse, Z. Khasidashvili and K. Korovin
Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'22), pp 1788--1794, 2022
[pdf, bibtex]
Ground Joinability and Connectedness in the Superposition Calculus
A. Duarte and K. Korovin
The 11th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR'22), pp 169--187, LNCS vol. 13385, Springer, 2022
Best Paper Award
[pdf, bibtex]
Machine Learning Meets The Herbrand Universe
J. Piepenbrock, J. Urban, K. Korovin, M. Olsak, T. Heskes, M. Janota
arXiv:2210.03590, 2022 [pdf]
ESBMC-CHERI: towards verification of C programs for CHERI platforms with ESBMC.
F. Brauße, F. Shmarov, R. Menezes, M. R. Gadelha, K. Korovin, G. Reger, L. C. Cordeiro
The 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'22), pp. 773--776, ACM, 2022,
[pdf, bibtex]
Position Paper: Towards a Hybrid Approach to Protect Against Memory Safety Vulnerabilities
K. Alshmrany, A. Bhayat, F. Brausse, L. Cordeiro, K. Korovin, T. Melham, M. A. Mustafa, P. Olivier, G. Reger, F. Shmarov
IEEE Secure Development Conference (SecDev'2022)
AC Simplifications and Closure Redundancies in the Superposition Calculus
A. Duarte and K. Korovin
TABLEAUX 2021, LNCS 12842, pp 200--217, Springer, 2021 [Springer Link, bibtex, arxiv version]
Bayesian Optimisation with Formal Guarantees.
F. Brausse, Z. Khasidashvili, K. Korovin
submitted, 2021 [arxiv version]
The ksmt calculus is a δ-complete decision procedure for non-linear constraints.
F. Brausse, K. Korovin, M. Korovina and N. Th. Mueller
CADE 2021, pp 113-130, LNCS vol. 12699, Springer, [bibtex, pdf, arxiv version, sildes]
- Heterogeneous Heuristic Optimisation and Scheduling for First-Order Theorem Proving
E. K. Holden and K. Korovin
CICM 2021, LNCS vol 12833, pp 107--123, Springer, [Springer, pdf, bibtex]
Towards a Hybrid Approach to Protect AgainstMemory Safety Vulnerabilities
K. Alshmrany, A. Bhayat, L. Cordeiro, K. Korovin,T. Melham, M. A. Mustafa, P. Olivier, G. Reger, F. Shmarov
[preprint TechRxiv], 2021
- Selecting Stable Safe Configurations for Systems Modelled by Neural Networks with ReLU Activation
F. Brausse, Z. Khasidashvili and K. Korovin
[full paper, bib, video],
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD'20)
- Implementing Superposition in iProver (System Description)
A. Duarte and K. Korovin
[full paper+appx,bib], 10th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR'20)
- A CDCL-style calculus for solving non-linear constraints
F. Brausse, K. Korovin, M. Korovina and N. Th. Mueller
Best Paper Award at The 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS'19)
LNCS, v11715, pp 131-148, Springer, 2019 [link], [pdf (arxiv);bib]
- SMAC and XGBoost your Theorem Prover
E. K. Holden, K. Korovin,
4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving, 2019
- Premise selection with neural networks and distributed representation of features
A. S. Kucik, K. Korovin,
[full paper; bibtex], arXiv 2018
- An Abstraction-Refinement Framework for Reasoning with Large Theories
J. C. L. Hernandez, K. Korovin
IJCAR 2018,
[full paper; bibtex@dblp], LNCS, Springer, 2018
- Towards an Abstraction-Refinement Framework for Reasoning with Large Theories
J. C. L. Hernandez, K. Korovin
[full paper; bibtex@dblp], Kalpa Publications in Computing, EasyChair
- Computing exponentially faster: Implementing a nondeterministic universal Turing machine using DNA
A. Currin, K. Korovin, M. Ababi, K. Roper, D. B. Kell, P. J. Day, R. D. King
Journal of The Royal Society Interface [full paper; bibtex]© Royal Society, 2017
- Predicate elimination for preprocessing in first-order theorem proving
Z. Khasidashvili, K. Korovin
SAT 2016
[pdf; bibtex@dblp]©Springer-Verlag
- Computing exponentially faster: Implementing a nondeterministic universal Turing machine using DNA
A. Currin, K. Korovin, M. Ababi, K. Roper, D. B. Kell, P. J. Day, R. D. King
arXiv.org 2016 [pdf; bibtex@dblp]
- EPR-based k-induction with Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement
Z. Khasidashvili, K. Korovin and D. Tsarkov
GCAI 2015
- Towards Conflict-Driven Learning for Virtual Substitution,
K. Korovin, M. Kosta, T. Sturm
CASC 2014
[pdf ; bibtex@dblp]©Springer-Verlag
- Skolemization Modulo Theories,
K. Korovin and M. Veanes
ICMS 2014
[pdf; bibtex@dblp]
- Instantiations, Zippers and EPR Interpolation,
N. Bjorner, A. Gurfinkel, K. Korovin, O. Lahav
LPAR'2013 (short)
[pdf; bibtex]
- Non-cyclic sorts for first-order satisfiability,
K. Korovin,
FroCoS'2013 [pdf; bibtex]©Springer-Verlag
- Bound Propagation for Arithmetic Reasoning in Vampire,
I. Dragan, K. Korovin, L. Kovacs, A. Voronkov,
SYNASC'2013 [pdf; bibtex]
- Inst-Gen -- A Modular Approach to Instantiation-Based Automated Reasoning,
K. Korovin,
Programming Logics, Essays in Memory of Harald Ganzinger, 2013
[pdf, bibtex@dblp]©Springer-Verlag
- Preprocessing Techniques for First-Order Clausification,
K. Hoder, Z. Khasidashvili, K. Korovin, A. Voronkov
FMCAD 2012 [pdf, bibtex@dblp],
- EPR-Based Bounded Model Checking at Word Level,
M. Emmer, Z. Khasidashvili, K. Korovin, C. Sticksel, A. Voronkov
IJCAR 2012 [pdf; bibtex@dblp]©Springer-Verlag,
- A Note on Model Representation and Proof Extraction in the First-Order Instantiation-Based Calculus Inst-Gen,
K. Korovin, C. Sticksel
ARW 2012 [pdf; bib]
- Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities by Bound Propagation,
K. Korovin and A. Voronkov
CADE 2011 [pdf; bibtex@dblp]©Springer-Verlag,
- Implementing Conflict Resolution,
K. Korovin, N. Tsiskaridze and A. Voronkov
PSI 2011 [pdf; bibtex@dblp]©Springer-Verlag,
- GoRRiLA and Hard Reality,
K. Korovin and A. Voronkov
PSI 2011 [pdf; bibtex@dblp]©Springer-Verlag,
- Encoding Industrial Hardware Verification Problems into Effectively Propositional Logic,
M. Emmer, Z. Khasidashvili, K. Korovin and A. Voronkov
FMCAD 2010 [pdf; bibtex@dblp]©Springer-Verlag,
- Labelled Unit Superposition Calculi for Instantiation-based Reasoning,
K. Korovin and C.Sticksel
LPAR 2010 [pdf; bibtex@dblp]©Springer-Verlag,
- iProver-Eq: An Instantiation-based Theorem Prover with Equality,
K. Korovin and C.Sticksel
IJCAR 2010 [pdf, bib ]©Springer-Verlag,
Conflict Resolution,
K. Korovin, N. Tsiskaridze, A. Voronkov
CP'09 [pdf, bib ]©Springer-Verlag,
We introduce a new method for solving
systems of linear inequalities over the rationals, called
conflict resolution.
The method successively refines an initial
assignment with the help of newly derived
constraints until either the assignment
becomes a solution of the system or a trivially unsatisfiable constraint is derived.
We show that this method is correct and terminating.
Our experimental results show that conflict resolution
outperforms the Fourier-Motzkin method and the Chernikov
algorithm, in some cases by orders of magnitude.
An Invitation to Instantiation-Based Reasoning: From Theory to Practice,
K. Korovin
Invited paper CADE 2009 [pdf,
iProver - An Instantiation-Based Theorem Prover for First-Order Logic,
K. Korovin
In this paper we discuss design and implementation of iProver.
Integrating Linear Arithmetic into Superposition Calculus,
K. Korovin, A. Voronkov
We present a method
of integrating linear rational arithmetic into superposition
calculus for first-order logic.
As we show, the validity problem for first-order formulas
of linear arithmetic extended with non-theory function symbols
is $\Pi^{1}_{1}$-complete even
in the case when there are no variables over the theory sort.
Therefore, there is no sound and complete calculus for this logic.
Nevertheless, one of the main results of this paper
is that under some finiteness
assumptions it is possible to show completeness of our calculus.
- Inst-Gen -- A Modular Approach to Instantiation-Based Automated Reasoning,
K. Korovin
Volume in memoriam of Harald Ganzinger, to appear,
In this paper we survey results on an instantiation-based method Inst-Gen,
we start by overviewing theoretical developments, describe its refinements,
abstract redundancy elimination and conclude with concrete redundancy criteria
and implementation issues. We also describe novel simplifications utilising propositional reasoning, which can be also applicable to calculi such as resolution.
- Theory Instantiation,
H. Ganzinger, K. Korovin
(full version) ps]©Springer-Verlag,
In this paper we present a method of integrating
theory reasoning into the instantiation framework.
One of the distinctive features of our approach is that it
allows us to employ off-the-shelf
satisfiability solvers for ground clauses modulo theories,
as a part of general first-order reasoning.
As an application of this approach,
we show how it is possible to combine
the instantiation calculus with other calculi, such as
ordered resolution and paramodulation.
- Random Databases and Threshold for Monotone Non-Recursive Datalog,
K. Korovin, A. Voronkov
In this paper we define a model of randomly generated databases
and show how one can compute the threshold functions
for queries expressible in monotone non-recursive datalog.
We also show that monotone non-recursive
datalog cannot express any property with a sharp threshold.
Finally, we show that non-recursive
datalog has a 0-1 law for
a large class of probability functions, defined in the paper.
- Integrating equational reasoning into instantiation-based theorem proving,
H. Ganzinger, K. Korovin
We continue our previous work on the instantiation-based theorem proving
and present a method for integrating
equational reasoning into this framework.
In this approach nice properties of the instantiation-based theorem proving
are preserved in particular:
(i) no recombination of clauses,
(ii) the length of clauses does not grow,
(iii) optimal efficiency in the ground case,
(iv) semantic selection,
(v) redundancy criteria.
The method employs
a satisfiability solver for ground equational clauses
together with an instance generation process based on
an ordered paramodulation type calculus for literals.
- New Directions in Instantiation-Based Theorem Proving,
H. Ganzinger, K. Korovin
We consider instantiation-based theorem proving whereby
instances of clauses are generated by certain inferences, and where
inconsistency is detected by propositional tests (so we can employ efficient
SAT checkers to guide our inference). We give a model
construction proof of completeness by which restrictive inference
systems as well as admissible simplification techniques can be
justified. Another contribution of the paper are novel inference
systems that allow one to also employ decision procedures for
first-order fragments more complex than propositional logic. The
decision procedure provides for an approximative consistency test,
and the instance generation inference system is a means of
successively refining the approximation.
- PhD thesis: Knuth-Bendix orders in automated deduction and term rewriting, K. Korovin, The University of Manchester, 2003
- Orienting Equalities with the Knuth-Bendix Order,
K. Korovin, A. Voronkov
In previous work we have shown that orientability of term rewriting systems
by the Knuth-Bendix order (KBO) can be done
in polynomial time. In automated deduction we often need to orient equations
or a union of equations and term rewriting systems.
A straightforward algorithm for checking orientability of systems of equations
can be based on orientability of TRS
but would require to check an exponential number of possible orientations
of the equations. We show how to avoid this problem, in particular
we show that there exists a polynomial time algorithm
which by the given system of equations and term rewriting rules
can decide whether there exists a Knuth-Bendix order orienting this system,
and if there exists such an order then outputs its parameters
- An AC-Compatible Knuth-Bendix Order,
K. Korovin, A. Voronkov
We introduce a family of AC-compatible Knuth-Bendix simplification orders
which are AC-total on ground terms.
Our orders preserve attractive features of
the original Knuth-Bendix orders
such as existence of a polynomial-time algorithm for comparing terms;
computationally efficient approximations, for instance
comparing weights of terms; and preference of light terms over heavy ones.
This makes these orders especially suited for automated deduction
where efficient algorithms on orders are desirable.
There is a bug in the defenition of original non-ground AC-KBO in the case when the siganture contains zero-weight symbol f: in this case for each variable x, top(x) should be taken to be equal to f. Thanks to Akihisa Yamada for poiniting this out.
- The decidability of the first-order theory of the Knuth-Bendix order
in the case of unary signatures,
K. Korovin, A. Voronkov
We show that the first-order theory of any Knuth-Bendix order in the case of the signatures
consisting of unary function symbols and constants is decidable.
Our decision procedure uses interpretation of unary terms as trees
and uses decidability of the weak monadic second-order theory of binary trees.
One area of applications of our result is automated deduction,
since using the first-order theory of the Knuth-Bendix orders
we can decide an important class of ordering constraints.
- Verifying orientability of rewrite
rules using the Knuth-Bendix order,
K. Korovin, A. Voronkov
(full version) ps]©Springer-Verlag,
journal version has appeared in Information and Computation.
We show that the following problems can be solved in polynomial time: given a system of rewrite rules R,
does there exist some KBO which orients every ground instance of every rewrite rule in R.
We also show that this problem is P-complete.
The second problem is deciding whether a given Knuth-Bendix ordering constraint
consisting of a single inequality has a solution (we present an efficient polynomial-time algorithm).
- Knuth-Bendix constraint solving is NP-complete,
K. Korovin, A. Voronkov
(full version) ps]©Springer-Verlag
journal version is to appear in ACM Transactions on Computational Logic.
We show that the problem of solving Knuth-Bendix ordering constraints is NP-complete,
as a corollary we show that the existential first-order theory of term algebras
with the Knuth-Bendix ordering is NP-complete.
- A Decision Procedure for the Existential Theory of Term Algebras with
the Knuth-Bendix Ordering,
K. Korovin, A. Voronkov
Orderings on terms are popular in automated deduction and term rewriting. One of the important
problems is to decide the existential theory (first-order theory) of term algebras
with simplification orderings.
In this paper we show that the existential theory of any absolutely free term algebra with
the Knuth-Bendix ordering is decidable.
- Compositions of permutations and algorithmic reducibilities,
K. Korovin
in Recursion Theory and Complexity,
de Gruyter Series in Logic and Applications 2, pp89-95, 1999.
In this paper we are studying the following question:
for which algorithmic reducibilities the set of permutations
reducible to a given set is closed under the composition. It is well-known that
for the Turing reducibility the set of permutations reducible to a given set is closed
under compositions and forms a group. Using this fact A. Morozov obtained a characterization
of the Turing reducibility in terms of the corresponding group embeddings.
In this paper we show that for the reducibilities tt,btt,wtt there exists
a set (Turing reducible to 0') such that
the set of permutations reducible to this set is not closed under the composition.
Also we show that the following sets of permutations are not closed under the composition:
{f | graph of f in } for any n>0;
{f | graph of f tt-reducible to K};
{f | graph of f wtt-reducible to K}; {f | graph of f is -limit computable }, where is a creative set.
- Compositions of permutations and m-reducibility,
K. Korovin
In this paper we show that for the m-reducibility for functions
(which was introduced by M.Arslanov), there exists a r.e. set A
such that the set of all permutations m-reducible to A is not closed under the composition.