Dagstuhl Seminar Report 9627 - Panels

Following is the abstracts of the panels held during the Dagstuhl seminar 9627 on Disjunctive Logic Programming and Databases: Non-Monotonic Aspects.

PANEL I: Automated Deduction

Organized by: Donald W. Loveland <dwl@cs.duke.edu>

 Computer Science Dept.
 Duke University
 Box 90129
 Durham, NC  27708-0129

Abstract: The panel on Automated Deduction, with members Wolfgang Bibel, Ulrich Furbach, Miroslaw Truszczynski, David S. Warren and Donald Loveland, moderator, led a discussion that included the full audience, on the status and future directions for automated deduction, logic programming and deductive databases. The panel noted the decreased funding in the U.S. for these fields, and discussed reasons why this is occuring. Also addressed were steps posible to improve the visibility of the fields and the most promising directions for research in these areas

PANEL II: Implementations

Organized by: David Warren <warren@CS.SunySB.EDU>

 Dept. of Computer Science
 State University of New York at Stony Brook
 Stony Brook, NY 11794

Abstract: The panel on implementations was organized by David Warren and included Weidong Chen, Carlos Damasio, Ilkka Niemelä, Dietmar Seipel, and Mirek Truszczynski as panelists. After opening remarks from the panelists, the discussion was thrown open to the whole audience. The issues under discussion included: What has been achieved in the area of NMR implementations? E.g., what do we know now that we didn't know recently? What are the strengths and weaknesses of current implementations? What are the most difficult problems now facing the implementers? How do logic programming, NMR, and automated deduction fit together? Are there implementation issues dividing them? Are there things that implementers can do to make their systems more used?

PANEL III: Applications

Organized by: Luís Moniz Pereira <lmp@fct.unl.pt>

 Departamento de Informática
 Universidade Nova de Lisboa
 P-2825 Monte da Caparica

Abstract: In this panel we examined promising application areas for LP and discussed the requirements put on the evolution of the language and its implementation. Several invited panelists made opening statements (Pearce, Decker, Furbach, Pereira), followed by general discussion.

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