dwfs: A program transformation tool for
computing the D-WFS semantics

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dwfs is a system for computing the D-WFS semantics of disjunctive logic programs. This system has been developed as a part of the research project DisLoP funded by DFG.

The D-WFS semantics has first been introduced by Brass and Dix. For a description, see

The dwfs program computes, from an input program in clausal form, the residual program or program remainder, from which the D-WFS semantics can be read off directly. Program remainders, which can only be computed for non--disjunctive programs, are introduced in:

S. Brass, B. Freitag, U. Zukowski: Transformation Based Bottom-Up Computation of the Well-Founded Model. In: J. Dix, L. Pereira, T. Przymusinski (eds.): Nonmonotonic Extensions of Logic Programming Pages 171-201, LNAI 1216, Springer, Berlin.

They are equivalent to residual programs, but are polynomial in size relatively to the size of the original input program, whereas residual programs can grow to be exponential in size.

There are three different computations that dwfs can perform:

dwfs was written in Eclipse Prolog by Katrin Erk.

The prototype implementation and some test cases are available as a gzipped tar file. For a description of parameters, flags and input format, see the user's guide .

If you have questions or comments, please send an email to Jürgen Dix or Katrin Erk.

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Maintained by: K. Erk <katrin@informatik.uni-koblenz.de> and C. Aravindan <arvind@informatik.uni-koblenz.de>
$Author: arvind $ $Date: 1997/10/17 14:19:05 $