
P. Debevec and S. Gibson (Editors), "Rendering Techniques 2002", (Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering), ACM Press, 2002, ISBN 1-58113-534-3.

Journal Publications

S. Gibson, R.J. Hubbold, J. Cook, and T.L.J. Howard, "Interactive Reconstruction of Virtual Environments from Video Sequences", Computers & Graphics, Volume 27, Number 2, April 2003.

S. Gibson, T.L.J. Howard and R.J. Hubbold, "Flexible Image-Based Photometric Reconstruction using Virtual Light Sources", Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2001) 19(3), Manchester, UK, September 2001.

R.J. Hubbold, J. Cook, M. Keates, S. Gibson, T.L.J. Howard, A. Murta, A.J. West, S.R. Pettifer, "GNU/MAVERIK: A micro-kernel for large-scale virtual environments". Presence 10(1), MIT Press, February 2001.

C. D. Murray, J. M. Bowers, A. J. West, S. R. Pettifer and S. Gibson, "Navigation, Wayfinding and Place Experience within a Virtual City", Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Volume 9, Number 5, October 2000, pp. 435-447.

S. Gibson and R.J. Hubbold, "A Perceptually-Driven Parallel Algorithm for Efficient Radiosity Simulation", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 6(3), July-September 2000. pp. 220-235.

S. Gibson and R.J. Hubbold, "Perceptually-Driven Radiosity", Computer Graphics Forum, 16(2), June 1997, pp. 129-140.

S. Gibson and R.J. Hubbold, "Efficient Refinement and Clustering for Radiosity in Complex Environments", Computer Graphics Forum, 15(5), December 1996, pp. 297-310.

Conference Publications

J. Cook, S. Gibson, T.L.J. Howard, R.J. Hubbold, "Real-time Photo-realistic Augmented Reality for Interior Design", ACM Siggraph 2003 Conference Abstracts and Applications. San Diego, CA, July, 2003.

S. Gibson, J. Cook, T.L.J. Howard and R.J. Hubbold, "Rapid Shadow Generation in Real-World Lighting Environments", Rendering Techniques 2003 (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), Leuven, Belgium, June 2003.

S. Gibson, J. Cook, T.L.J. Howard, R.J. Hubbold, and D. Oram, "Accurate Camera Calibation for Off-line, Video-Based Augmented Reality", IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2002), Darmstadt, Germany, September 2002.

S. Gibson, J. Cook, T.L.J. Howard, R.J. Hubbold, "ICARUS: Interactive Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Image Sequences", ACM Siggraph 2002 Conference Abstracts and Applications. San Antonio, Texas, July, 2002.

S. Gibson, T.L.J. Howard, R.J. Hubbold, "Image-Based Photometric Reconstruction for Mixed Reality", ACM Siggraph 2001 Conference Abstracts and Applications. Los Angeles CA, August 12-17, 2001.

S. Gibson and T.J. Howard, "Interactive Reconstruction of Virtual Environments from Photographs, with Application to Scene-of-Crime Analysis", ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2000 (VRST'00), Seoul, Korea, October 2000. pp. 41-48.

S. Gibson and A. Murta, "Interactive Rendering with Real-World Illumination", Rendering Techniques 2000 (Proceedings of the 11th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, June 2000), Springer-Verlag, New York, NY.

T.L.J. Howard, A. Murta and S. Gibson "Virtual Environments for Scene of Crime Reconstruction and Analysis", Proceedings of SPIE/IS&T, Vol. 3960, San Hose, CA, January 2000.

R.J. Hubbold, J. Cook, M. Keates, S. Gibson, T.L.J. Howard, A. Murta, A.J. West and S.R. Pettifer, "GNU/MAVERIK: A Micro-Kernel for Large-Scale Virtual Environments", Proc. Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 1999, London, UK, December 1999.

A. Murta, S. Gibson, T.L.J. Howard, R.J. Hubbold and A.J. West, "Modelling and Rendering for Scene of Crime Reconstruction: A Case Study", Proceedings of Eurographics UK, Leeds, March 1998, pp. 169-173.

R.J. Hubbold, D. Xiao and S. Gibson, "MAVERIK - The Manchester Virtual Environment Interface Kernel", Proceedings of 3rd Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments, Monte-Carlo, Feb 1996.


S. Gibson, "Illumination Capture and Rendering for Augmented Reality", Invited Tutorial, RFIA 2004, Toulouse, France, January 2004.

D. Stricker, W. Kresse, J.F. Vigueras-Gomez, G. Simon, S. Gibson, J. Cook, P. Ledda and A. Chalmers, "Photorealistic Augmented Reality", ISMAR 2003 (Second International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Tokyo, Japan, October 2003.

S. Gibson and A. Chalmers, "Photorealistic Augmented Reality", Eurographics 2003, Granada, Spain, September 2003.

A. Chalmers and S. Gibson, "High Fidelity Virtual Environments", VIE 2003, Surry, UK, July 2003.

Technical Reports

S. Gibson and A. Murta, "Interactive Rendering with Real-World Illumination", Department of Computer Science Technical Report UMCS-00-3-2, University of Manchester, March 2000.

S. Gibson, "Efficient Radiosity Simulation using Perceptual Metrics and Parallel Processing", Department of Computer Science Technical Report UMCS-99-9-1, University of Manchester, September 1999.


S. Gibson, "Efficient Radiosity Simulation using Perceptual Metrics and Parallel Processing". Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, September 1998.

S. Gibson, "Efficient Radiosity for Complex Environments". M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, September 1995.


S.R. Pettifer, S. Gibson and A.J. West, "Visualising the Virtual Cityscape", in "Visualisation of Structure and Population with Electronic Landscapes", Mariani J., Rouncefield M., O'Brien J. and Rodden T. (Eds), Lancaster University Press, Ch. 6 pp. 127-138, 1998.

Invited Talks and Presentations

"Camera Calibration in Icarus: How we get Robustness, Speed, and Accuracy", Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK, November 2002.

"Recovering Geometric Models from Image Sequences", First UK-Israel Symposium on Computer Graphics, Cambridge, UK, April 2002.

"Reconstructing Geometry and Illumination from Image Sequences", INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France, November 2001.

"Photometric Reconstruction for Augmented Reality", Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK, July 2001.

"Photometric Reconstruction for Augmented Reality", Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, UK, June 2001.

"Inverse Rendering Algorithms", ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Campfire on Perceptually Adaptive Graphics, Snowbird, Utah, USA, May 2001.

"Recovery of Geometric and Illumination Models from Image Sequences", Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina, USA, March 2001.

"Reconstruction of Virtual Environments for Scene-of-Crime Presentation and Analysis", IEE/BCS Lecture, UMIST, Manchester, UK, January 2001.

"Interactive Rendering of Synthetic Objects into Real Images", BMVA Technical Meeting on Augmented Reality, in association with the UKVRSIG and IEE/E4, British Institute of Radiology, London, UK, May 2000.

"Perceptually-Driven Radiosity", iMAGIS, Grenoble, France, December 1997.

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