Wuxiang (Shawn) Ge

PhD Candidate

2.60 Kilburn Building
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Email: gew(At)cs(Dot)man(Dot)ac(Dot)uk
Please replace (At) and (Dot) manually.

Shawn's image

Brief Biography

Wuxiang is a PhD student at The University of Manchester, School of Computer Science,in the group of Software System Group(SSG), previously as Centre for Novel Computing(CNC). My supervisor is Professor John Gurd and my advisor is Professor Steve Furber.

Graduated from Central South University


I am interested in the fields of Autonomic Computing and Grid Computing, particularly adaptive Performance Control of scientific applications in a dynamic heterogenous environment. I am also interested in Aspect Oriented Software Development.