The course is principally designed around the material in the first thirteen chapters of the main course text, William Stallings's "Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice", Pearson Education (see below). The course uses many lecture slides prepared by Lawrie Brown (regarding which, I can't express how much I appreciate the fact that these are made available in *editable* form). These have been edited fairly extensively over the years. There is additional material, and further references and comments appear below. N.B. Stallings's book is also a core text for the followup course COMP61421.
Exercises 1.
Exercises 2.
Exercises 3.
Exercises 4.
Exercises 5.
Overall Course Assessment:
See the current syllabus page for
the Exam/Coursework split.
Practical Hints (.txt) van Tilborg's Cryptology Notebook (Updated) (.nb)
Ferguson N., Schneier B., Kohno T.
Cryptography Engineering
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0470474246 (2010)
(An excellent accompaniment to the main text. Though
somewhat less detailed than Stallings, it is written by
some of the world's leading practitioners. The writing has
a riveting style that really tells it like it is with cryptography.)
Paar C., Pelzl J.
Understanding Cryptography
Springer; ISBN: 3642041000 (2009)
(A nice compact treatment of the subject. Good
if you want an account that gets to the heart of
the matter without wasting too many words.)
Aumasson J-P.
Serious Cryptography
No Starch press; ISBN: 9781593278267 (2018)
(Practically based, but with a perspective informed
by more modern theoretical concepts, it makes for a
good followup to the main text.)
Hoffstein J., Pipher J., Silverman J.
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography
Springer; ISBN: 9780387779935 (2008)
(Focused on the mathematical aspects of modern
cryptography, it explains the essential concepts
very clearly, without getting too embroiled in the
deeper underlying results. So it's more approachable
than the more hard-headed mathematical texts below.)
Salomon D.
Data Privacy and Security
Springer N.Y.; ISBN: 0387003118 (2003)
(A very readable book containing a nice treatment of Enigma.)
Singh S.
The Code Book
Fourth Estate; ISBN: 1857028791 (1999)
(Really, this is a popular bestseller (which, moreover, has
appeared under many different ISBNs), but it's written so
well that it unquestionably merits inclusion in this booklist.
Has a delightful account of Enigma.)
Bauer C.
Secret History
CRC Press; ISNB: 9781466561861 (2013)
(A very readable blend of historical aspects of cryptography
(especially regarding classical techniques) and the essential
technical details. An enjoyable read.)
Vidick T., Wehner S.
Introduction to Quantum Cryptography
Cambridge U.P.; ISBN: 9781316515655 (2024)
(An excellent book about quantum cryptography. But it's
serious about the quantum theory, which is done properly.)
Loepp S., Wooters W.
Protecting Information: From Classical Error Correcion to
Quantum Cryptography
Cambridge U.P.; ISBN: 0521534763 (2006)
(This is a fairly short book that includes quite a bit on
quantum theory and a bit on quantum cryptography.)
Schneier B.
Applied Cryptography
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471117099 (1996)
(Still an absolute classic. Commenting on key escrow (in 1996!),
it contains the chillingly prophetic: 'Imagine a major terrorist
attack on New York; what sorts of limits on the police would be
thrown aside in the aftermath?' (Page 99 if you're interested.))
Katz J., Lindell Y.
Introduction to Modern Cryptography
3rd ed., Chapman & Hall; ISBN: 9780815354369 (2021)
(A mathematics-first text featuring the modern, complexity
theoretic approach.)
Smart, N.
Cryptography Made Simple
Springer; ISBN: 9783319373096 (2016)
('Simple' means only the most complicated proofs have been omitted.
It features the modern complexity theoretic approach, and discusses
several more recent topics than usual. Enigma and Lorenz are
described in full detail. And there are typos etc. sprinked around,
so read with care.)
Delfs H, Knebl H.
Introduction to Cryptography
3rd ed., Springer; ISBN: 9783662479735 (2015)
(A mathematics-first text, it includes some
quantum cryptography (done without skimping).)
Stinson D., Paterson M.
Cryptography Theory and Practice
4th ed., Chapman & Hall; ISBN: 9781138197015 (2019)
(Updated version of a long established mathematics-first
standard text. Much new material in roughly the same space,
so more compressed, and thus a tougher read than the 3rd
edition below.)
Stinson D.
Cryptography Theory and Practice
3rd ed., Chapman & Hall; ISBN: 1584885084 (2005)
(A long established mathematics-first standard text.
Less material, therefore less compressed and thus
more readable, than the 4th edition above.)
Mollin R.
An Introduction to Cryptography
Chapman and Hall/CRC; ISBN: 1584886188 (2007)
(A mathematics-first introduction to cryptography.)
Pieprzyk J., Hardjono T., Seberry J.
Fundamentals of Computer Security
Springer; ISBN: 3540431012 (2003)
(A mathematics-first treatment of cryptography.)
Mao W.
Modern Cryptography
Prentice Hall Professional; ISBN: 0130669431 (2004)
(A thorough mathematics-first treatment of cryptography,
and especially of beyond-pure-textbook aspects.)
Padhye S., Sahu R., Saraswat V.
Introduction to Cryptography
CRC Press; ISBN: 1138071536 (2021)
(A short book, covering the mathematical essentials. Some
of the text contradicts itself, but the mathematics is fine.)
Anderson R.
Security Engineering (2nd ed.)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0470068523 (2008)
(The most highly respected book on the wider issues of
computer security. Some incredible stories. Also contains
a good, if quite brief, account of cryptography.)
Holt T., Bossler A., Seigfried-Spellar K.
Cybercrime and Digital Forensics: An Introduction (3rd ed.)
Routledge; ISBN: 9780367360078 (2022)
(An very comprehensive survey of issues and measures
to counter all aspects of contemporary cybercrime.)
Smith R.
Elementary Information Security (3rd ed.)
Jones and Bartlett; ISBN: 9781284153040 (2021)
(A very readable and technically not too demanding
treatment of information security in general, designed
to cover the requirements of information security
Workman M., Phelps D., Gathegi J.
Information Security for Managers
Jones and Bartlett; ISBN: 9780763793012 (2013)
(Readable and technically not too demanding. Like
a shortened version of Smith's book, but with over
a hundred pages of material specific to governance,
the law, and management. Useful for these aspects.)
Gollman D.
Computer Security
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 9780470741153 (2011)
(Looking at the wider issue of computer security,
beyond just the concerns of cryptography.)
Newman R.
Computer Security
Jones and Bartlett; ISBN: 9780763759940 (2010)
(Considers computer security, but with a much greater
emphasis on the human side than Gollman.)
Maras M-H.
Computer Forensics
Jones and Bartlett; ISBN: 97814496600723 (2012)
(Based on American law, so a bit less useful for the UK,
but nevertheless a nice introduction to the main ideas.)
Oriyano S-P.
Hacker Techniques, Tools, and Incident Handling
Jones and Bartlett; ISBN: 9781284031713 (2012)
(An introductory text on the main issues involved in
hacking computer systems. Covers the relevant basics.)
Martin K.
Everyday Cryptography
Oxford University Press; ISBN: 0199695598 (2012)
(Covers all the topics in the subject, but is quite
light on the mathematical details. Not really enough
to act as a course text for this course.)
Chapple M., Seidl D.
Cyberwarfare: Information Operations in a Connected World
Jones and Bartlett; ISBN: 9781284058482 (2015)
(Penetration of secure IT systems, including military systems, is
a major element of international competitiveness in a world where
malware is increasingly sophisticated. The book surveys this rapidly
changing field, and illustrates the account with a large number of
case studies.)
Johnson R.
Security Policies and Implementation Issues
Jones and Bartlett; ISBN: 9781284055993 (2015)
(Focused on the role of security policies in organisations,
it covers the relevant issues in reasonable detail.)