Mauricio Alvarez Website

Here are the projects in which I'm currently involved or I have been involved in the past.

Mechanistically Inspired Convolution Processes for Learning (2009-2010)

Project financed by Google through a Google Research Award.

See ...

TIGRE: Transcription factor Inference through Gaussian process Reconstruction of Expression.

See ...

Automatic Clasification System of Physiological Events using Bioelectrical Patterns as a support for Parkinson's Disease and Other Neurological Disorders (2006-2007)

Project co-financed by the Colombian Institute for the Development of Science and Technology (COLCIENCIAS), the Research and Extension Center (CIE) of the Technological University of Pereira and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain.

Stochastic Variability Analysis for Pathology Detection over Electrocardiographic and Voice Records (2007-2008)

Project financed by the Research and Extension Center (CIE) of the Technological University of Pereira.

Automatic Classification of Seismic Events (2007-2008)

Project financed by the Research and Extension Center (CIE) of the Technological University of Pereira.

Dynamic Feature Selection using Markov Processes with application to Abnormal Biosignal Recognition (2005-2006)

Project financed by the Research and Extension Center (CIE) of the Technological University of Pereira