**************************************************************** RESURRECTION IN WORD FOR WINDOWS FORMAT Files in the WinWord directory are zipped versions of the Word for Windows form of the text of "Resurrection", the bulletin of the Computer Conservation Society. The numeric part of the filename indicates the Issue Number of the bulletin. Remember to use binary mode when you download. The Word for Windows version is formatted to closely resemble the original typeset bulletin, though for A4 rather than A5 paper. Pictures are linked-in as .tifs. The front cover picture is the same on all the issues, and need only be downloaded once. It is in FRONTCV.ZIP. We apologise that with some printers, you will get less than beautiful pagination. This is due to the non-standardised size of a given font on different printers. IMPORTANT NOTICE "Resurrection" is copyright of the Computer Conservation Society, and may not be re-published nor offered for sale in whole or in part without permission of the editor. Fair quoting is permitted provided acknowlegement of the source is included. CPB 31 Oct 1995 ******************************************************************