(Electronic) Submission Guidelines

Content and Size of Papers

At this point, extended abstracts of at most 8 (eight) pages -- including everything -- are solicited about, but not limited to, the following topics:
specification composition specialisation verification schemas
synthesis transformation analysis reuse industrial applications

Every submission must clearly exhibit the relationship to the (new) scope of the workshop, and must really be an extended abstract. Read Advice to Authors of Extended Abstracts (from Advice on Research and Writing) if you are uncertain about what constitutes an extended abstract. Briefly: it must be a miniature research paper with the key motivations and ideas, with outlines of the proofs of the key theorems, with references and a (favourable) comparison to related work, but without full details of proofs or implemented systems, without the description of future work, without ramifications that are irrelevant to the key ideas. A good extended abstract convinces a specialist referee of the significance of the described research in about one hour.

Papers should be typeset in no less than 11 point fontsize, and should feature at least 2.5cm (1 inch) margins along all edges.

Submissions that fail to comply with these content and size requirements may be rejected (without refereeing), no matter how high the scientific merit of the discussed work.

Submission Deadline

No matter which way you submit (see below), the deadline is Friday 27 March 1998.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by Friday 1 May 1998.

Electronic Submission

Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged, and must be sent -- preferably as one email message, MIME attachments being also strongly encouraged -- to lopstr98@cs.bilkent.edu.tr.  The message should contain: Before submitting electronically, please ensure that your submission complies with these requirements, as this will save the programme committee a lot of needless hassle.  Read the Guidelines for Generating and Submitting Portable Postscript Files (from IEEE) if you want to find out more about how to achieve this.

Hardcopy Submission

Authors who cannot meet these requirements should submit 5 (five) hardcopies, with indication of the keywords, by post or courier service to:
Dr. Pierre Flener (LOPSTR'98)  Phone: +90 312 266 4000 ext.1450 (GMT+2)
Department of Computer Science Fax:     +90 312 266 4126
Bilkent University  Email:   pf@cs.bilkent.edu.tr
06533 Ankara

Notice that even airmail may take up to 10 days to reach me from "Western" countries (yes...), so the usage of a courier service is strongly recommended should you be near the deadline and should electronic submission be impossible.